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Just 40 Extremely Funny Viral Tweets By Women Last Month

"My office overlooks a river, and today, my boss announced that a Q2 goal is for everyone to comment on the river at least twice a week. Specific examples of 'wow, lotta ducks' and 'what kind of boat do you suppose that is' were cited, and I am once again yearning for the mines."

Just 22 Very, Very, Very Funny Tweets By Women

"I just think it would be better for everyone if the people who make adhesive for maxi pads and the people who make adhesive for bookstore price stickers switched jobs" —@VeryBadLlama

18 Genuinely Hilarious Tweets By Parents That Made Me HOWL With Laughter

"When I became a parent, I was prepared for the inevitable tantrums over no cookies for dinner or it's time to turn off the TV to go to bed; I was not prepared for the 15-minute tantrum because he asked me for chocolate milk and I gave him some." —@emilykmay