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This Expert Pointed Out The "Gen Z Versions" Of Popular Millennial Design Trends, And It Appears History Is Repeating Itself

"In my opinion, 'cheugy' is this generation's version of 'basic.' It's a term to describe someone’s preference for the more popular, less obscure things, regardless of their generation. No generation is safe from people that will judge certain design choices as being mainstream or tasteless."

"Men In Heterosexual Marriages Will Never Understand" — Over 1 Million People Watched This Woman's Video Breaking Down How Much Work It Takes To Change Your Name After Getting Married

"All these tasks added together are stressful and frustrating. Any time something is stressful, it takes up even more brain space. It affects your day and mood. It physically feels heavy in your mind, and that's a form of mental load."

A 20-Year-Old Died After Eating Pasta That Sat Out Too Long — Here's Everything You Need To Know About What Doctors Call "Fried Rice Syndrome"

"Fried Rice Syndrome is a form of food poisoning caused by the Bacillus cereus bacterium. This bacteria is commonly found in foods that have been sitting at room temperature for extended periods," explained board-certified emergency medicine physician Dr. Joe.

email screenshot on the left and mom on the right with caption "I emailed the principal."

Thousands Are Debating Whether Parents Should Be Responsible For Buying Supplies For Their Kid’s Whole Classroom After A Student's Grade Was Penalized

"I pointed out to the principal that although my family could afford to buy the additional supplies, there are many families that are already struggling to buy their children’s personal school supplies and simply can’t afford the extra."

"Know Your Worth": This Dad Has Gone Viral For Sharing How He Teaches His Daughters To Avoid Mediocre Men

"I want my girls to have the emotional intelligence to recognize the good and bad that can come from relationships with these types of men in the future. I want them prepared, knowing their worth, and living in joy because they are with someone who is doing the work required," Eric, aka girldad_e, said.