Over 3 Million People Have Watched Police Officers Ticket A Driver For Having An Unbelievable Pile Of Items Strapped To Their Car

    "It's giving that one sculpture that Spencer made on iCarly."

    Florida strikes again! Videos of an unknown driver recently went viral because they strapped an unbelievably massive pile of items to their car and were spotted driving around the streets of Orlando.

    a pickup truck stacked with household furniture and items that are weighing the truck down

    video of the vehicle being pulled over by seemingly confused police officers has received over 3.2 million views, with one user commenting: "I physically saw them driving down the road, and it was a sight to see."

    @hellofromimani / Via tiktok.com

    The car was initially spotted by drivers at a local gas station, and many users questioned how the vehicle was even able to move with the amount of weight on it.

    The car with a massive pile of items including a ceiling fan at the gas station

    One user wrote: "I know he is constantly getting gas, that engine is working overtime."

    Another driver captured a video of police officers trying to talk to the driver through the barely visible window.

    2 police officers at the car's window

    "Police are just as confused as the rest of the people on the street."

    "Police are just as confused as the rest of the people on the street"

    Another video angle showed hundreds of household items strapped to this car, including a helmet, microwave, a bicycle, multiple chairs, and a ceiling fan.

    police ticketing the car

    This is a view of the back of the vehicle:

    back of car with piled items

    Many users were jokingly in support of the driver not getting fined, writing: "How you gonna ticket someone who figured out how to defy gravity?"

    "How you gonna ticket someone who figured out how to defy gravity?"

    Emphasizing that point, a user wrote: "They should give this guy an award, not a ticket!"

    "They should give this guy an award, not a ticket!"

    The vehicle reminded many viewers of their childhood, with one writing: "It's giving that one sculpture that Spencer made on iCarly, if you know, you know."

    "It's giving that one sculpture that Spencer made on iCarly, if you know, you know."

    Other users pointed out how dangerous the situation was, writing: "This can cause an accident. You can't drive like this."

    "This can cause an accident. You can't drive like this"

    "That should NOT be on the road."

    "That should NOT be on the road"

    Is this the most shocking thing that you've seen on the road? Let us know in the comments below!