People On Twitter Are Sharing Reasons To "Wife Them Up" And They Range From Delicious To Hilarious

    Only wife me up if you're okay with chicken nuggets every night.

    Hello, fellow internet explorers! Welcome back to Chronically Online, where we're diving into the latest memes, TikTok trends, and more that are buzzing around in your phone.

    a colorful graphic with text chronically online from buzzfeed daily

    Without further ado, let's see what happened this week on the world wide web! On Twitter, we saw the rise of the "POV: I'm your wife" memes, which features reasons people believe they should be wifed up and they range from delicious to...not so much.

    POV: I’m ur wife

    — hottest gal alive (@gh0stfacebae) October 15, 2023
    Twitter: @gh0stfacebae

    POV I’m your wife

    — 𝕷𝖎𝖑 𝕭𝖆𝖏𝖆 (@lilbajablast_) October 18, 2023
    Twitter: @lilbajablast_

    Meanwhile, on TikTok, everyone (including us) is obsessed with this very confused kitty that's practically scratching its head and going "HUH?!" People are popping him into just about any scenario, from berating ignorant boyfriends to taking accidental naps.

    Speaking of TikTok, did you know there's a bracket filter that basically puts your celeb crushes into a sexy showdown? That's what people are using lately to reveal their taste in men vs. women — which turns out to be quite different sometimes.


    im straight but you get the point

    ♬ One Of Your Girls - Troye Sivan

    And back to Twitter, a new form of flirting has emerged, but the jury's out on whether it'll actually work. But who doesn't like to be called "handsome," am I right?

    Overintellectualizing emotions all by yourself handsome?

    — Audrey Kaufman (@KaufmanAudrey) October 16, 2023
    Twitter: @KaufmanAudrey

    letting it linger all by yourself handsome?

    — layla (@laylology) October 17, 2023
    Twitter: @laylology
    a colorful graphic with text just nice things

    Sing along with this croonin' pup.

    Make the haters mad (fall edition).

    haters are mad that i have a pumpkin spiced candle and the pride and prejudice 1995 miniseries waiting for me at home

    — trish (@ULTRAGLOSS) October 19, 2023
    Twitter: @ULTRAGLOSS

    Vote on whether this ghost-fearing sister is TA or not.

    And finally, appreciate this *perfect* Spongebob Squarepants x Kim Kardashian crossover.

    Mr Krabs to plankton:

    — girl posts💄 (@itgirlposts) October 19, 2023
    Twitter: @itgirlposts

    That's all for this week. I'm signing off from my medium screen (laptop) to stare at my little screen (phone) while my big screen (TV) blares in the background. Bye!