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Whimsical flowers, dinosaurs, butterflies, bandaids, and blocks on a teal blue background
A multi-color building block


Calling all parents who need a laugh break, hacks and advice you'll actually use, and the viral stories you'll hear about at the school drop-off. Consider us your go-to playdate friends!

Millennial Parents Are Revealing The Biggest Differences Between Their Children's Lives Vs. How They Grew Up, And It's Wildly Fascinating

"I'm 100% honest and truthful with my kids. If they have a question about something they see on the news, social media, or something a friend said, I will tell them the truth. No sugar coating or stepping around the answer. I would rather my kids understand what is going on around them than be sheltered and oblivious."

People Are Opening Up About Their Experiences With Eldercare In The US, And It's Not At All What I Expected

"My grandparents had around $500,000, but my grandma is now down to about $160,000 and will essentially be out of money in just over a year. I've had so many mental breakdowns about it. I'm glad my grandma has money to cover her care, but it just isn't enough. It is bleak. This is scary and overwhelming at best."

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