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From the latest celebrity headlines to our favorite hilariously mundane happenings, we're here to keep you updated on what all your favorite celebs are up to.

Anna Faris in 2007 vs 2017

17 Celebs Who Dissolved Or Stop Getting Facial Fillers (And Why)

Ariana Grande said, "I had a ton of lip filler over the years and Botox. I stopped in 2018 because I felt so — too much. For a long time, beauty was about hiding for me, and now I feel like maybe it's not."

Kristen Harris 8 hours ago
Kim Kardashian's light eyebrows, and Nicki Minaj's ill-fitting gown

"It's What Really Cemented The Fact For Me That I Had To Get My Breast Reduction": 9 Met Gala Looks Celebs Weren't 100% Happy With

Reflecting on her infamous Met Gala debut, Kim Kardashian said, "I was crying, like, the whole way home because I just couldn’t believe it. There were all these memes about me and this couch. I think Robin Williams even tweeted it, said I looked like Mrs. Doubtfire. It was, like, this whole thing, so I just cried."