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People Are Sharing "Ugly Truths" About Adulthood They Wish They Knew When They Were Younger, And Wow

"I should have started saving for retirement at 21 — but stupid me kept putting it off because I used the excuse that I was so 'broke,' and I’ll do it later, I’ll do it next year, or whatever. Also, stupid me didn’t stop and think that even if I just started putting a little bit of money away at that time, I would be a millionaire right now."

21 Surprising Confessions From Women Who Earn "Significantly More" Money Than Their Partners

"I make more. In my opinion, it all depends on the ego of your husband. My husband has always been my number-one supporter, but I have been SHOCKED at how my coworkers talk about my husband not making as much as I do. It makes me sad that there are so many husbands that feel the need to suppress their partner for their own egos."

👩‍🔬 I Was Working For BuzzFeed Late One Night 💻 When My Eyes Beheld A Funny Sight 👀 For 28 Hilarious Women Began To Tweet 🐦 And Gave Us All A Halloween Treat 🎃 They Made Us Laugh! 💀 (These Tweets Will Make You Laugh!) 😂

"one time i was on an elevator and a guy dropped a bunch of loose grapes on the ground then was like 'sorry i haven’t eaten grapes in a while' & i think about him every day" —@_chase_____

If You Have Ever Been In A Toxic Relationship, You Will Immediately Know These 5 Red Flags An Expert Says To Look Out For

Speaking about toxic relationships, expert Sabrina Alexis Bendory said, "You may feel a great deal of shame — there is a part of you that feels shame for being in this situation, but you rationalize it away because it’s painful to accept that you are being mistreated. Maybe you tell yourself it’s not so bad or you’re just being dramatic. Maybe the problem is actually you and you need to solve it, and on and on."

"And The Show Is Called 'The Audacity'" — People Are Applauding This Artist For Turning Every Single Unsolicited Dick Pic She's Received Into Very Brilliant Works Of Art

"I believe that sending unsolicited dick pics can be a precursor to pushing the envelope of consent, and lack thereof, in other ways. It's unnecessary, uncomfortable, and unwanted," said Audrey Berck, who had the idea to draw and create an art gallery out of all the unwanted penis photos she has received since high school.

29 Things About Being Lower Class That "Rich People" Learned After Marrying Someone Significantly Poorer Than Them

"I was surprised that food was a privilege or luxury — not a given. My parents are fairly well-off, and I grew up in a house with an always-stocked pantry and refrigerator. If I was hungry, I ate without question. My wife grew up in relative poverty. If she was hungry, there was a strong likelihood there was no food in the house, and she would stay hungry."

People Are Siding With This Woman Who Ended The "Pay It Forward" In A Starbucks Drive-Thru, And Here's Why

"So you're telling me that these people were shamed and caught into this congo line of morality that they had to give the gesture back? I'm not that girl. I deserve to have a good day. I deserve to have a free sandwich. You're not taking this away from me. That defeats the whole point of someone doing something nice for me," said 23-year-old Grace Brassel.

This Woman Pulled The Ultimate Payback On Her Sister-In-Law Who Always Refuses To Pay For Her Own Meals

"She stays with us instead of in a hotel, and always wants to go to expensive restaurants. She always conveniently forgets her wallet or comes up with some excuses as to why she can’t pay her share. She has implied that since I make much more money than her, I should be the one to pay..."