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    There Are 5 Basic Steps To Loading Your Dishwasher Correctly, And If You Aren't Doing These, Your Dishes Are Not Getting As Clean As They Should

    Loading a dishwasher may not be so intuitive for some people — and some have never had the luxury of owning one(!), so here is everything you need to know.

    Hi, I'm Krista, and welcome to another day of me thinking, WELL, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE IF THEY TAUGHT THAT IN SCHOOL!

    So as your designated BuzzFeed mom, I am here to help us fill in the gaps with helpful how-tos using information from credible resources and experts. (I know this GIF is extremely overused, but it fits, sorry.)

    I recently talked with Renae the Appliance Repair Tech about everything we need to know when it comes to caring for and cleaning your dishes with a dishwasher, but one important thing we didn't cover is how to properly load a dishwasher.

    Before we get to the best technique, the first thing you ALWAYS want to do is refer to your dishwasher's user manual. This is because all dishwashers may look a little different when it comes to how they clean. In addition, you shouldn't prerinse your dishes; just simply scrape off food particles that could clog the sprayers.

    Rinsing your dishes beforehand not only wastes water but also won't get your dishes as clean. (We aren't saying to put dishes in with heaping globs of ketchup on them, and you certainly don't want to put them in if the condiment grime has set on the dish overnight. This just pertains to fresh food messes that are going into the dishwasher right away.)

    Now, using credible resources and Renae's insight, I've come up with a list of the main things you need to do to get the best clean:

    Always face the dirty side of each dish toward the center of the machine

    If you didn't know, dishwashers have two sets of spray arms that blast the dishes. So you want to make sure your dishes are facing toward where the water comes out (nearly all dishwasher spray arms circulate and dispense in the middle).

    Angle your dishes downward

    Always angle dishes down, since the sprayer arms dispense up. Some dishwashers have curved shelving on the top so that your mugs can angle, and water doesn't pool at the top.

    Place items between the tines, not over them

    If you don't know what the tines are, they are the prongs that stick up. The tines are designed to help all the dishes face toward the middle of the dishwasher for the best clean.

    Reminder to put dishes in between tines, not over them
    Forks and spoons go up and knives go down

    This is simply because you don't want knives to poke you — and placing the spoons and forks up allows more water and soap to hit them so they get more clean.

    Check the height of each item to make sure it doesn't interfere with the spray arms

    If you have tall items on the bottom rack, make sure they aren't hitting the above spray arm, because then it can't spin to clean the dishes!

    Ensure nothing is blocking the dispenser door from opening

    Make sure there's nothing against the dispenser door or blocking it from opening. You always want to keep that area open so that the soap can be dispensed properly.

    Bigger dishes go in the back; make sure nothing blocks the dispenser door!

    So, there you have it: simple steps to making sure your dishes are getting the best clean they can with a dishwasher!

    Is there another basic skill you were never taught that you want to know? Drop it in the comments or DM me on IG @callmekristatorres, and I'll see if we can get you the how-to!