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Jake Gyllenhaal Called Jamie Lee Curtis And Got Her To Do More "Halloween" Movies, Plus 10 More Behind-The-Scenes Stories She Shared About The Franchise

"Laurie Strode has been able to learn to live alongside her grief. It doesn't consume her. It allows her to exist. And maybe for a second, you get this idea that maybe Laurie Strode can be okay...and then the rest of the drama begins."

The Nightmare Behind The Gayest Horror Film Ever Made

After starring in A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, Mark Patton left Hollywood behind. More than 30 years later, the film has become a homoerotic cult classic — and its leading man is coming to terms with what he calls the "ultimate betrayal."

Why Harrison Ford Sees His Fans As "Customers"

"I like people to go away from meeting me … feeling the same way," Ford told BuzzFeed News. "And that is to say, not abused. Taken seriously as another human being."

21 Things That Need To Happen At Comic-Con 2015

Jennifer Lawrence says goodbye to Katniss, we get some Game of Thrones closure, the Justice League makes its debut, and Lady Gaga crashes American Horror Story: Hotel — it ~could~ all happen!

Marvel Studios Announces First Female And Black Solo Superhero Films

Finally Black Panther and Captain Marvel are arriving in the Marvel Cinematic Universe — as well as Inhumans and Avengers: Infinity War. But Hulk and Black Widow are apparently not getting their own stand-alone movies any time soon.

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