16 "Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power" Behind-The-Scenes Facts, Straight From The Cast Themselves

    "I can't believe I'm in a Tolkien story now; it feels utterly bananas."

    Even if you haven't managed to catch an episode of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, you're likely aware of the sheer scale of the production. It's the wonderful world of Tolkien combined with the terrifying behemoth that is Amazon, what else would you expect?!

    The Ring of Power panel at New York Comic-Con

    So, BuzzFeed attended The Rings of Power panel at New York Comic Con to get alllll the intel on how the series was made.

    🚨 Warning: some mild spoilers for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power episodes 1-7.🚨

    1. Scripts for the season finale were sent out with large portions redacted. The cast watched the first three episodes together, but are watching the others as they air — meaning that many of them don't know how the series ends.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    2. Making the show included two years of shooting in New Zealand and one year of post-production. Throughout that time, the cast had to keep their involvement a secret.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    3. Leon Wadham, who plays Kemen, is from Wellington, New Zealand — meaning that he was in primary school while much of the original Lord of the Rings shot in his hometown.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    4. Númenor was built on a "dirt patch" at the back of the studios — and the set features plenty of things that, according to Leon, you would "only catch if you were searching for it."

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    5. It took four days to shoot the scene where Kemen attempts to burn down the boats at Armenelos' harbor.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    6. Benjamin Walker, who plays High King Gil-galad, is apparently the most fun at a bar.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    7. He also wears a corset to play the role, but says that he "can't complain."

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    8. Ben denied that Gil-galad is ever "mean" to Elrond.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    9. Someone called Ben "Gil-gadaddy" while he was getting coffee the day before Comic-Con.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    10. Nazanin Boniadi, who plays Bronwyn, is a big fan of the #Aronwyn fan art she's seen.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    11. She also underwent "months and months" of stunt training before filming began.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    12. Cynthia had a "fan girl moment" when she first saw Morfydd Clark in her Galadriel armor.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    13. Sara Zwangobani, who plays Marigold Brandyfoot, said that she was "moved to tears" by Daniel's silent performance.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    14. As for the height differences between The Stranger and the Harfoots, they're done through forced perspective.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    15. People who had known Daniel for years didn't recognize him as The Stranger.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"

    16. Finally, Season 2 is about to start shooting.

    Screenshot from "The Rings of Power"