The Cast Of "Psych" Has The Cutest Behind-The-Scenes Tradition

    Psych: The Musical 2.0

    After eight years of filming Psychwith more to come — the cast of the hit series has grown pretty close.

    Tbh, with late-night shoots...

    ...and off-set activities, it'd be hard not to.

    Dulé Hill, who plays Gus, told BuzzFeed that the cast and crew have a tradition of singing "Happy Birthday" during special moments on set:

    Before we even started filming [Psych: The Movie] we sang "Happy Birthday," which is something that we've always done for guest actors when they come, when they're leaving the show. So, at the top of filming — having everyone and a lot of the crew that we've known from over the years — for us all to be singing "Happy Birthday" just really stuck out to me — and then we did it at the end, too!

    Not only do they sing it as a welcome/send-off to guest actors, but they do it to wrap seasons as well.

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    And of course, for someone's actual birthday.

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    Watch them talk about it here, and pray that one day you'll be a part of something this awesome.

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