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21 People On The One Thing They'd Change About Hollywood

We asked attendants of New York Comic-Con to tell us one thing they'd change about Hollywood if they had the power.

1. "Hollywood needs to stop whitewashing the media. Talent is limitless."

2. "If I could change on thing about Hollywood, it would be the amount of [people of color] getting chances [to] show what they've got!"

3. "Less heterosexual relationships!"

4. "Less Tom Cruise!"

5. "More people of color (women of color specifically)"

6. "More animated films!!!"

7. "More openness/access to new and aspiring members of the field!"

8. "A more diverse cast in the Hollywood scene!"

9. "More diversity and proper representation."

10. "Stop stereotyping black people in the movies!! We're not all gangster and thugs! (And stop letting us die first in horror movies.)"

11. "Let me write Mighty Ducks 4! Quack, quack!"

12. "To end body shaming."

13. "The obscene beauty standards."

14. "No more video game movies."

15. "More realistic storylines."

16. "Make realistic titties."

17. "No more Transformers movie[s]."

18. "I would love for Hollywood to create more original content. I miss the '80s!"

19. "To work more closely with the source of the material."

20. "No more remakes."

21. "Hollywood needs more memes!"