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BuzzFeed Buzz

Courtney Love said, "Taylor Swift is not important"

11 Times Celebs Criticized Other Celebs Completely Out Of The Blue

When Gwyneth Paltrow stepped into the wellness space, Martha Stewart said, "She just needs to be quiet — she's a movie star. If she were confident in her acting, she wouldn't be trying to be Martha Stewart."

Kristen Harris 10 hours ago

What Type Of Water Are You?

Brutally honest.:)

smartpuppy30 10 hours ago

What Ballpark Snack Are You?

Take me out to the ball game, take this quiz. 🎶 ⚾️

bernadzikowskic1 10 hours ago

Just How Goth Are You?

Here's a handy quiz to determine just how dark your soul is.


Which 2024 Movie Are You?

There's lots of variety here!


Which Famous 2000s Pet Are You?

These pets truly stole the screen in every single scene. 💅

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