Kim Kardashian Just Cleared The Air On Several Rumors And Headlines She's Heard About Herself, And You'd Be Surprised By What's Actually True

    Let's see if it's a rumor or reality.

    The Kardashian-Jenner family is no stranger to online rumors, but this time Kim Kardashian is clearing the air on some of the most popular ones.

    Kim Kardashian in a white crossover neckline dress at the Breakthrough Prize ceremony

    During a recent interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kim answered questions about some interesting headlines that were posted about her throughout the years. Surprisingly, a lot of them were true.

    Closeup of Kim Kardashian

    Here's how she responded to the following rumors:

    Jimmy: "Is it true you blow dry all of your jewelry before you put it on?"

    Kim Kardashian wearing a black top, seated during a TV interview

    Jimmy: "Do you wash your feet every night before getting into bed?"

    Kim Kardashian in a black top with a cityscape backdrop on a talk show set

    Jimmy: "Do you sleep with your eyes slightly open?"

    Kim Kardashian in a black dress on Jimmy Kimmel Live, both seated, engaged in conversation

    Jimmy: "You celebrated your 14th birthday at Neverland Ranch?"

    Kim Kardashian in a sleek top, seated on a TV show set

    Jimmy: "You have someone take the Starbucks sleeve off your coffee because you hate the sound of cardboard?"

    Kim Kardashian in a talk show setting, wearing a black top with a plunging neckline

    Jimmy: "You had your own workout DVD called, Kim Kardashian: Fit in Your Jeans by Friday?"

    Person in a black top smiling on a talk show set

    But that wasn't all. You can learn more about Kim by watching her full Jimmy Kimmel Live episode below:

    View this video on YouTube
