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Selena Gomez in a sequined outfit and a photo of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber in formal attire

Selena Gomez Just Commented On A Year-Old TikTok Calling Out Her “Victim Complex” And Accusing Her Of Always “Throwing Shade At Her Ex-Boyfriend” Justin Bieber

The year-old TikTok, which featured Hailey Bieber and Selena’s names in the hashtags, labeled the latter as a “manipulative” and “obsessive narcissist” while accusing her of always “throwing shade” at Justin Bieber.



アメリカのロサンゼルスで毎年開かれる「カーサミーゴス・ハロウィン・パーティ(Casamigos Halloween Party)」。参加した歌手ジャスティン・ビーバーの仮装が話題を呼んでいます🎃

The End Of The Hailey Bieber Icon Era

After losing nearly a million followers, the 26-year-old model needs a major rebrand after being labeled a “mean girl.”



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