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Saying You’re Sorry Isn’t Enough Anymore

Maybe the reason the recent wave of apology tours feels so exhausting is because giving forgiveness takes more effort than asking for it.

Casey Affleck Breaks His Silence On Sexual Harassment Allegations

"I believe that any kind of mistreatment of anyone for any reason is unacceptable and abhorrent, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect in the workplace and anywhere else," Affleck told the Boston Globe after his Oscar win.

Gay YouTuber Says He Was Assaulted, Officials Unable To Substantiate Claims

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said deputies responded to but could not substantiate Calum McSwiggan's claim that he was attacked after leaving a gay club. Police later arrested him on a vandalism charge. [Update: McSwiggan was charged on Wednesday with filing a false police report.]

Women Refugees Are Being Attacked And No One Seems To Care

Refugees are facing sexual assault as they traverse central and western Europe — but aid agencies claim this "is definitely not the problem." Jina Moore reports from Germany, Serbia, and Croatia.

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