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Nom Nom

38 Best DIY Food Gifts

Maybe it's not a flat-screen TV, but everyone's gotta eat. These make great party favors or a nice gift for a party host.

24 Best Quotes Ever About Food

A definitive graphic collection of the pithiest, smartest things ever said about cooking and eating.

23 Unexpected Flavor Combos That Taste Amazing

Some of these are recent discoveries from chefs like Heston Blumenthal who study the chemical compounds of food. Others have been paired together for centuries in various ethnic cuisines. Either way: They work.

This Keyboard Makes Sense

Please do not ask questions re: cleaning and/or grossness. This is a gift from heaven.

Are You A Cereal Expert?

You probably think that you are, but I bet there are many brands you've been neglecting. Let's test your cereal knowledge!

41 Delicious Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes

Hey, so I'm pretty sure Thanksgiving is coming up pretty soon? If you or your guests are vegan or vegetarian, you'll need something delicious for said herbivores to eat. Here are some such things! Enjoy!

6 Essential Thanksgiving Rules

Former New York Times restaurant critic Sam Sifton — author of a new Thanksgiving cookbook — really doesn't want you to eff this up.

9 Most Controversial Salads

Our request to "Tweet your fave salad @BuzzFeedFood" ignited a brief but heated debate. Here are some of the findings.

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