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TV & Movies

Ava DuVernay's Barbie Is The Most Important One Ever

By selling a doll in the likeness of the Selma director, Mattel has given creative license to a generation of young girls. "People have really been kind talking about why they are embracing this doll, but it's certainly not about me. It's about the image," DuVernay told BuzzFeed News exclusively.

Journeys Through Trans Masculinity

“I know who I am. It’s not a phase, it’s not weird, it just is what it is.”

Jem's Holograms Finally Get Their Own Dolls

Why Jem's boyfriend Rio got a reissued doll before these ladies is a mystery. Now the powers that be just need to release their songs on iTunes.

Mass Effect FemShep Barbie Needs To Be Real

How this isn't in mass production as I type is a travesty. Tired of waiting for Bioware to get on the ball, Introverted Wife took it upon herself to give little girls everywhere a Barbie with body armor and an Omni-Tool.

Fine Art Barbies

I will not buy these. I will not buy these. BRB going to Toys R Us! Mattel combines high class with my childhood to make these irresistible additions to their 2011 collection. I hope they do Monet next.