Reporting To You X



Why do you have the greatest calves of all time?!

Dating: Teens Vs. Adults

"What do you mean you don't have a savings account?"

Journeys Through Trans Masculinity

“I know who I am. It’s not a phase, it’s not weird, it just is what it is.”

Why I Don’t Want My Miscarriage To Stay Secret

“I first thought my miscarriage was shameful, and unusual. I’ve since learned that it’s just something women don’t want to talk about — but should.”


Are You A Naughty Boy?

You like it when I call you that, don't you?

Norwegian Filmmakers Admit To Faking “Syrian Hero Boy” Video

The video, purporting to show a young boy saving a girl amid a hail of gunfire, went viral. The director told BuzzFeed News he wanted to bring attention to the plight of children during wartime. WARNING: contains graphic (faked) footage. h/t BBC

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