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Lady Gaga Opened Up About Losing Touch With Reality After Staying In Character For “House Of Gucci” For A Year And A Half And Speaking With An Italian Accent For Nine Months

“You end up sounding and looking like them, yes, but it’s not an imitation, it’s a becoming. I remember when we started filming, I knew I had become — and I knew that the greater challenge was going to be unbecoming.”

Why The “New” Lady Gaga Never Took Off

By avoiding Gaga’s recent career struggles, the new Netflix documentary Gaga: Five Foot Two reveals why her turn towards the personal has been an artistic disappointment.


Are You More Lady Or The Tramp?

A great love story about dogs and spaghetti.

What Happens When The First Lady Isn’t A Lady?

Acting as first lady is a tough, public job that has always been considered women's work. If Bill Clinton becomes the United States' first man to take the position, he has a chance to change that — or not.

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