We Tried A New Starbucks Frappe And Are Genuinely Confused

    "I'm a big fan of the Caramel Frappe."

    It seems like Starbucks keeps coming out with more and more mystical and magical fraps. So, we got the scoop on the latest one, the ~ Nymph Frappe ~ and had some of our coworkers try it:

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    LadyLike / Via youtube.com

    We made sure to pick people who were die-hard Starbucks fans.

    And so far it seemed like folks approved.

    But when they tried it...

    ...they were absolutely appalled by the taste.

    Little did they (and you) know that Jen actually stole a bunch of Starbucks cups and created her own frappe.

    Then sent out an email to the entire BuzzFeed office pranking people into thinking it was a Starbucks frappe.

    Here were her ingredients:

    Her first layer: Strawberries, bananas, and chocolate syrup.

    Her second layer: Ice, ice cream, and espresso.

    And her last layer: Caramel, mint, and more chocolate.

    Which she called the ~ Nymph Frappe. ~

    And even though they weren't surprised, they thought Jen did an OK job.

    Lady tested? Lady, dust your shoulders off and try again.