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Coronavirus Coverage

Long COVID Might Ruin Booze For You

“I just really, really struggled if I had one drink. I would wake up so hungover, terrible headaches, and super tired. It was so bizarre.”

illustration of a young man laying in bed, exhausted

Long COVID Patients Say Doctors Are Ignoring Their Symptoms

Long COVID can be debilitating and occurs in up to 30% of people who have had the coronavirus, but the people experiencing it often find that doctors dismiss, ignore, or downplay their unusual symptoms.

Kamala Harris Has Tested Positive For COVID

The White House announced that Harris has not been in close contact with President Joe Biden and will continue working from home.

Asher Wilson-Goldman, Andrew Chen, and Paul Brislen

How Wordle Became The Internet’s Omicron Pastime

“The close ties across the country means it isn't hard for things to spread — whether that be gossip, word games, or good public health measures to keep us safe during a pandemic.”

Omicron Isn't A "Mild" Threat For Everyone

“It’s not only saying ‘We didn’t consider chronically ill and disabled people when we created these guidelines,’ but ‘We also don’t care if you die.’”

I Got COVID Three Times

Don’t worry, you (probably) won’t become me. But yes, you can get COVID twice, and even more.