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Rebecca Black

The People You Needed To Read About In 2015

From a recovering teen meme to a historical cipher to Instagram superstars to the leader of the men's rights movement, here are some of the most fascinating people we spent time with this year.

The Unbreakable Rebecca Black

Four years ago, she introduced the world to the most hated (and maddeningly unforgettable) song in a generation, was passed over by the music industry, and turned into a punchline — all before she was old enough for a learner's permit. Now 18, Rebecca Black is too famous to be normal and too normal to be famous. So what does she have to smile about?


Is It Actually Friday?

Only if it passes the Rebecca Black test of course.


"Hot Girls" Make Rebecca Black Look Like Adele

If I had to suffer through this, so do you. Somehow this monstrosity was in the Education category on YouTube which is apt, since it teaches you why autotune is so vital.


"Friday" One-Year Anniversary

It's been a year today since Rebecca Black's "Friday" was first uploaded to the internet. Have you had your bowl of cereal yet today?

Rebecca Black And Nyan Cat

Fire in the hole tubes! Everybody down! Lara plays "Friday" and the Nyan Cat theme on piano. Then plays them the same time. The result is surprisingly not horrible?


Rebecca Black Without Autotune

I'm sorry for posting this. So, so sorry. Everyone else has gone home for the night and I can't tell if this is real or just Break messing with me.


Harry Potter Friday Parody

I'm mostly just impressed that their Mad-Eye actor is dead on.


Rebecca Black Vs. DMX

Made by the talented Chamberlain, here's a mashup of "Friday" and "Up In Here."

The Rebecca Effect

Starting now, Thursday was not yesterday and tomorrow is not Saturday. Party's over. Turn off the lights. Management has changed the days of the week, so this has run its course. Go home people, go home.

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