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22 Of The Most Powerful Photos Of This Week

From the shooting rampage at the Gilroy Garlic Festival to the heated Democratic presidential debates, these are the most striking and memorable pictures from this past week.

News Podcast: The Girl In The Woods

News podcast episode about Mujey Dumbuya's murder, former CIA director John Brennan's security clearance, and the week's biggest headlines.

39 Times We Reached Peak "New York Times" In 2015

Here's to the New York Times, reporting as only the Times can. Showing rich people. Doing Things. Food we don't want to eat. Overenunciation. Fancy headlines. SMDH.

Will This Kill You?

Don't worry, the quiz won't kill you.

Headline Of The Year

After attempting to think of titles that would have made this headline less sexual, I have come up empty handed. It was unavoidable.

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