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The Social Network

Images from Darby and the Dead and The Dark Knight

The Best Movies Streaming On Hulu

Darby and the Dead, The Dark Knight, I Love My Dad, and more great titles you'll want to stream this month.

Oscars Party Food Ideas

Last minute, Best Picture-themed suggestions for your Oscars Party spread. Don’t just serve James Franco-American SpaghettiOs or Black Swanson TV dinners, make your guests some fancy 127 Hours d'oeuvres! Winter’s Bone appetit! Ugh. Suggest your own awful food-related-Academy-Awards-puns in the comments!


The Real People Behind The Social Network Movie

Sorry for the lame title of this post! Moving on: I just watched The Social Network. It's really good, and it made me want to know what all the people in the movie looked like IRL, and what they're up to nowadays. So I looked it up, and now you're reading about it! Here's some background on the relevant people from the story.

Mark Zuckerberg To Become Comic Book Hero, Villain?

Looks like Mark Zuckerberg is going to be immortalized once again. This time the Facebook creator will star in his own comic book. Will we finally get to know the real Mark Zuckerberg? Stay tuned!

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