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Pride 2023

Here's What Influencer Dylan Mulvaney Had To Say About How Bud Light Handled The Anti-Trans Backlash She Faced

"For a company to hire a trans person and then not publicly stand by them is worse, in my opinion, than not hiring a trans person at all — because it gives customers permission to be as transphobic and hateful as they want. And the hate doesn't end with me, it has serious and grave consequences for the rest of our community."

Leighton and Alicia from "The Sex Lives of College Girls"

12 Popular LGBTQ Characters Who Were Either Done Totally Right Or Royally Wrong By Hollywood

"I loved Micah from The L Word: Generation Q and what he represented as an Asian transgender man. He started the series as an openly gay man, but Season 2 saw him start to develop feelings for his friend's sister. While he dated women pre-transition, he grappled with his feelings toward a woman after coming out as a gay man."

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