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Punk Muslim Girl

She can't show her hair, but she can show her punk soul!

Unicorn Meat

Get your daily dose of sparkles with canned unicorn meat.

Pet Kangaroos

No one told me you can have kangaroos as pets! Want!

12 Evilest Pope Pictures

Pope Benedict XVI has been given a lot of flack lately, but in all of this it's important not to forget what the man is actually good at: looking absolutely bloodcurdlingly godawfully creepy. Here's a selection of some of Benny's greatest hits, did I forget any?

Golden Retriever Puppy Attack!

This is the real cure for depression. Unless you have a phobia of being tickled and kissed to death by 13 golden retriever puppies...

Things I Hate

This guy is particularly good at hating things.

Math Teacher's April Fools

He saw his shadow... Does this mean that April Fools will continue for six more weeks?

Standing Cat is Watching You

Standing Cat is watching you through the window. So, you know, be careful not to do anything that might upset a cat who freakishly stands like a person.

The 160 "Greatest" Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

This clip celebrates one of the finest actors of our generation with 160 of his greatest movie quotes. [Ed Note: I would have never thought 10 minutes of Arnie quotes could be so engaging, but I literally cheered at "It's not a tumor".]

Top 10 Low Pass Flybys

I expected this video to be just clips from Top Gun and Iron Eagle.

You're Not a Single Lady

This horrible dad makes his son cry after rocking out to Single Ladies.

Japanese "We Are The World"

There are no words. Japanese TV, you've done it again.

Dog Eats Cop Car

This is Winston. "Officers tried to pepper spray Winston, then to tase him, but nothing calmed him down." Is this the most badass dog ever? [article]

Bush Wipes Hand On Clinton in Haiti

During their joint trip to Haiti, George W. Bush shook hands with someone, wasn't thrilled about it, then wiped his hand on Bill Clinton's shoulder.

Plastic Cutlery Dragon

This dragon sculpture is made entirely out of plastic utensils and cups.

A to Z of Awesomeness

Neill Cameron put together these drawings based on suggestions from fans over a 26 day period. The results are indeed full of awesome. [Via]

Cat Attacks Baby. Cutely.

Cute baby and cute kitten, locked in an epically cute battle to the death by cuteness! Who will be crowned King of Cute City?

How to Stop Crying

A handy tip from Robots with Feelings...

Lil' Wayne/ 'Office' Theme Mashup

Scranton just got 40 times hipper. (This will bring joy to even the staunchest "British Office Only" fans. Mindy Kaling, please write this into the finale, xoxo.)

Chatroulette Piano Improv

A Ben Folds-ish guy named Merton manages to make Chatroulette charming!

Living Paintings

Similar to the Makeup Girl photograph that made the rounds of the Internet a couple of weeks ago, Alexa Meade's bodypainted models are a stunning exercise in artistic illusion. Reverse trompe l'oeil? (Via The Swedish Bed)


French label Records Maker presents this exclusive ass-themed video set to a song by Sebastien Tellier.

What Should I Eat? Candy Edition

This flowchart continues the trend of helping people with too many choices to decide what to fill their pie hole with.

The Boob Cylinder

French TV show Fort Boyard invented the first ever climbing event that appears to be exclusively devoted to highlighting cleavage.

Mean Disney Girls

This is hysterically well done. So fetch!

Trampoline Dog

What a good idea. No need to walk the dog - just let him jump himself silly on a trampoline.

Children’s Drawings Painted Realistically

The Monster Engine, a book and art exhibit created by Dave Devries, adds a professional touch to children's drawings. [Ed Note: The Monster Engine website first received attention in 2005, and Devries' art has had a fairly storied life on the Internet since then. Here's a selection of some of the coolest pieces.]

Love Marriage

Witness the most amazing use of auto-tune and a mustache. This song is destined to hit the top of the charts.

Penis Pants!

Isabel Mastache's avant garde design for men. I'll pass, thanks.

Kirsten Dunst Is Turning Japanese [NSFW]

Pictures of Kirsten Dunst dancing around Akihabara in a fairy outfit were taken back in August, but the video has just surfaced.

Gold Medal < Sex Bomb On Ice

Plushenko may have lost the gold (GO USA!) but he will always be a winner with this (by the end of the performance) nearly nude masterpiece.

Hairless Cat Likes His Bath

I've tried to give a cat a bath once. Once. This feline doesn't seem to mind at all.

The Old Spice Manmercial

Rather than compete in the Super Bowl's "manliest ad" fight, Old Spice took the digital route.

Cat Stacking

Cats taking up too much space in your apartment?

The New Vancouver Olympic Mascot

A Polish newspaper printed an article about the Vancouver Winter Olympics and our old friend Pedobear somehow ended up in a group shot with the official mascots. I think he's in good company; they all have those beady yearning eyes.

Wes Anderson's Spider-Man

What if Wes Anderson made Spider-Man? (A Parody by Jeff Loveness.)

New Heinz Ketchup Packet

Heinz Ketchup will have a new Dip & Squeeze packet design after 40 years of the ubiquitous foil package.

iPad Nano

I think it's being released just before Christmas this year.

Cat Business Trip

Cute commercial for a Japanese hotel booking website.

Hitler Hates the IPad

The meme that keeps on giving: Hitler is super disappointed with the lack of multitasking on the iPad.

Kermit's X-ray

A trip to the doctor's office revealed a genetic condition typical of Muppets.

The 35 Most Ridiculous SkyMall Items

SkyMall is the shit. All they really sell is junk, but for some reason, I want it all. That's the magic of SkyMall.

Dear Pat Robertson

Letter of the Day: the Star Tribune features a message from Satan to Pat Robertson asking politely that Pat should maybe stop being a dick.

Coke Happiness Machine

A Coke machine turns into a "happiness" machine when it goes haywire and starts giving out free stuff on a college campus

Kids Reenact 'Jersey Shore'

Just some small children living it up in tan face. Guidettes are our future.

28 Drinks Later

Nick Swardson's horror offering, "28 Drinks Later," imagines a world where everybody is ... drunk.

I'm With Coco

Team Coco all the way.

Dear F***ing Creeper

A woman writes a letter to a Peeping Tom in her apartment building, expressing her disgust and critiquing his fashion choices. Then the creeper responds.

Bear Grylls Gives Himself An Enema

When you're on a raft in the Pacific and the only available drinking water contains bird droppings, this is how you stay hydrated.

The Sanctity of Marriage

States that allow same sex marriage vs. states that allow marriage between first cousins.

Hardcore Baby

Baby runs the gauntlet from about to fall asleep, to rocking out hard, and then back to falling asleep.

Panda Escape

He's almost there...he's got it...wait for it...oooh and foiled by the lady in the blue Outbreak suit.

Cookie Monster Slayer

I knew some day, the gluttonous ways of Cookie Monster would get him in trouble. As in this case, hunted down by some overly aggressive cookie rancher.

20 Things That Happen in 1 Minute

An eye-opening infographic that almost takes the cake, until it reminds you that Oprah makes $523/minute.

The United State of Pop 2009

This is a fantastic montage mashing together all the huge hits of 2009. Black Eyed Peas, Rihanna, Lady GaGa and other huge names put into one amazing song.

Star Wars by Adidas

The new Adidas shoe collection inspired by the Star Wars saga. [Ed Note: These shoes will help you do the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs! I dunno. Kill me.]

The New 'Karate Kid' Trailer

This new Karate Kid remake is appropriately titled The Karate Kid and stars Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith (Will Smith's son).

An Astute Subway Sandwich Observation

You're not the only one that's irked by the way Subway underutilizes their triangular cheese slices.

Belligerent Cat On Roomba

These gangsta rap songs are having a negative effect on feline/canine relations.

What English Sounds Like To Foreigners

Italian singer Adriano Celentano wrote this song in 1972 using a made up language designed to sound like English. You know, I think he nailed it. (via.)

German Techno Chicken

Just stupid and funny.

I Need a Hand Job!

Let's face it these tough economic times, we need some sweet release. Check out this crazy, but real (seriously) product! Honey, can you pass the...

MacGyver Cat Intro

Seriously, when is this coming to television, because this cat is awesome.

Star Trek Cosplay

I was going to make a coment about Star Trek women T'Pol and Lt. Saavik. However in doing a tiny amount of reading about them, I came across way too many nerd arguments as to who was a hotter Vulcan and got nerded out.

Leaked Tiger Abuse Photo

A harrowing image showing an abused Tiger Woods has hit the web.

Eve, the World's Tallest Model

Meet Eve, also known as "Babezilla" (sure), an Australian model who is almost 7 feet tall.

Sandra Bullock Vs. Chola Girl

Chola Girl aka youtube's Glowpinkstah is back, and this time she has Sandra Bullock in her sights.

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