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How Best To Organize Your Cats

The Daily Tail came up with some great, helpful tips to help organize your kittehs at home. Post your own because sharing is caring! (also how you spread diseases, but let's just worry about cats right now)

Hello Kitty in New Looks

Hello Kitty, the lovely white Japanese bobtail cat with a red bow, has spread globally during the last decade. We can see her image on nearly everything around us. While have you ever associate her with characters in Star War? No? But Joseph does. He blends the pink colorful world of Hello Kitty with the Star Wars, Star Trek, comic book characters, horror, Disney and more.

Classy Portrait

"Photographer, we'd like to pose for a really classy shot," said the couple.

Squirrel Learns To Purr

A risky move in placing a newborn squirrel with kittens to see if the mother cat accepts it as her own pays off.

Phil Davison For Stark County Treasurer

Unfortunately, despite this Second Inaugural-level stump speech, Phil Davison did not get the Republican nomination for Stark County, Ohio treasurer. His passion lives on.

The Official Shaving Cycle

The guide for every man incapable of having an awesome beard.

Religion Is Like A Penis

Don’t worry, Homer. Nine out of ten religions fail in their first year. -God

Peeping Tomcat

Stealth cat likes to peep through your windows.

35 Life Hacks You Should Know

Here's an infographic to make your life a little bit easier. [Ed. note: Some of these are kind of silly, but there's some immensely useful stuff about hotel porn in here if you take the time to read through.] Via.

Hipster Dinosaurs

Well, would you look at these f*cking hipster dinosaurs! Created by Molly Lewis, with crayons.

Gay Protest Signs

Sometimes the only way to get through to bigots is to fight fire with fire. Hilarious, hilarious fire.Via IAB.

Wookie The Pooh

Illustrator James Hance made a geeky version of Winnie the pooh.

Golden Girls Nesting Dolls

The internet has something else you never knew you needed until now. Click through for even more masterpieces. (via)

Adorable Corgi Bellyflop

This is quite possibly the most adorable bellyflop I've ever seen.

The Princess Bride...with Cats

The only way to improve the Princess Bride? Cat actors in half the roles.

Giant Kitteh Couch

Who's sitting on who NOW, cats? Revenge: we can has it.

Sweet Ass 2001 Ford Taurus For Sale

This guy knows how to sell a car. Maybe he's even too good at it. The way he talks it up, I'm not sure I could even handle that much 2001 Ford Taurus.

Yogi Bear 3D's Awkward Tagline

Holy inappropriate double entendres, Batman! They really don't have anyone in their quality control and copy editing departments at Warner Bros. these days, do they?

Big Stoned Kittehs

Large, wild cats reacting to catnip.

Pencil Tip Sculptures by Dalton Ghetti

Now we know what Dalton Ghetti was doing while he was bored in school! Here are some of his Pencil Point creations.

The Hipsterest Hipster Wedding Video Of All Time

Just how totally alternative can one hipster wedding video get? Cue soundtrack by 'indie darlings' Passion Pit, origami symbolism, conceptual dance moves that look like a Devo video choreographed by Sofia Coppola....and you're half way to a honeymoon in sunny Brooklyn! (via hipsterrunoff)

Don't Cross Antoine Dodson

This serious news report about a rape attempt in Madison County might also function as a reality show audition tape for the victim's brother (1:00 mark).

Cow Cow Cow

Cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow.

Twilight for Guys (NSFW)

There's a new Twilight Saga in town! Ironically, if Twilight were made for straight guys, it would be a hell of a lot gayer.

Super Fast Cat

This is one of those cats where you draw your hand back and it takes you another few seconds to realize that you don't even have a hand anymore. They should totally weaponize this cat. (Via.)

Face Swaps

For some reason this cheap photoshop gimmick never seems to get any less hilarious. Saved some hilarious ones of your own? Post them please!

Lobster Dogs!

There's nothing more wonderful than the look of dignity on a dogs face when you dress them in a lobster costume. Wait, maybe that's embarrassment. My bad.

Greatest Limbo Ever

How low can you go? Well, not much lower than this guy, who has perfected the art of the limbo.

Grandpa Gaga

This old man decides to show everyone his 'Poker Face' by doing a pretty impressive dance routine! [ Ed. Note: Oh man, I'm getting college flash backs. An old man tearing up the dance floor is a very special thing to experience live, believe me.]

This Headline Has Everything!

This is possibly the best headline ever, found in Ireland's Evening Herald. I'm guessing the reporter just finished a seminar on not burying the lede. You can read the whole story here, but really, it's all in the headline.

BP is Burning Sea Turtles Alive

Mike Ellis is a boat captain who's been rescuing the endangered Kemp's Ridley sea turtles near Deepwater Horizon. He's got some pretty horrifying news to share: BP is burning turtles caught in the oil spill and turning away rescue workers who want to save them.

Save the Criminal Minds Ladies

We need everyone to sign this petition so we can show CBS that Criminal Minds needs it's two amazing actresses on the show !

Violin Super Mario

Violinist Teppei Okada serenades a number of classic video games with a live score performed in real-time.

Pet Penguins

This video from RealTV features a Japanese family who own a 10 year old King Penguin named Lala.

Samba Baby

You can also find this baby in a supporting role on Brazil's Ally McBeal.

Vuvuzela Concerto in B Flat

It's as if Mozart himself touched this with his very spirit.

Worst Beverages in America

The roundup of the worst beverages in America is pretty amazingly disgusting. This list from user Shareitfitness unfortunately puts into perspective how bad for you some of your favorite drinks are. Prepare to be disgusted.

The Littlest Ninja Turtle

What you've suspected all along is true; turtles just want to be ninjas. And this little guy is an especially adorable one.

Metal Dads Are Awesome

What do metal dads do when their kids are bored? THEY CRAFT!

Obama Kick Ass Song

Obama is pretty much an ass-kicking expert.

BP Spills Coffee

This is what happens when BP spills coffee.

First Recorded "That's What She Said" Joke

This rare sound test sequence for Alfred Hitchock's 1929 film, Blackmail features the first recorded instance of a "that's what she said" joke.

The 10 Gayest Album Covers of All-Time

Maybe "suggestive" would have been a better word. Now before you all grumble about your favorite Menudo album not making the cut, understand that this list is amendable. Which covers do you think should have made the lineup?

Facts of Life

Guilt-inducing infographic for those who like to feel guilty.

iPhone Balls?

As if putting testicles on a truck wasn't disturbing enough.

Iceland Dance Party

Eyjafjallajokull gave Iceland kind of a bad image recently, but this lovely promotional video should go a someway towards correcting that.

Star Wars IPad Briefing

What do you get when you combine the audio from Steve Jobs iPad introduction and the Death Star attack briefing from Star Wars: A New Hope? Well, not huge laughs, but at least a smile on this glorious Memorial Day holiday. (Via SW:TOR Strategies)

Hound Dog And Orangutan

They're friends! Cutest video ever.

The Most Magical Dance Audition Video

Nigel Ficke is an Australian 'dance academy graduate'. He loves beats, music, dancing and sweating. Here's his amazing audition video. (Warning: This video may melt your eyes out.)

How LOST Should Have Ended

During its six season run, there were many theories about what was really happening to the characters on LOST.

Hurley's Last LOST Scene

Hurley gets off the island, only to find himself in a whole new world of horror.

Meet The Sloths

Who knew baby sloths were this cute?

Worst Wedding DJ Ever

I remember that move from the original Phil Collins video.

Arctic Fox Divebomb

Just because you hunt in the barren arctic tundra doesn't mean you can't do it with a little flair. This is pretty much exactly how I climb into bed after I get home from work.

Lost Final Episode Leaked

With just two episodes left, the finale of LOST was leaked today, prematurely drawing the epic, unforgettable story arc of LOST to a conclusion... sort of.

Techno Dog

Feel the beat!

Happy Mother's Day From Mr. T

One of the earliest videos in the FFF collection (circa 1992), Mr. T's "Be Somebody...Or Be Somebody's Fool" remains an all-time classic.

Arizona in Crayola

Multicultural, I guess. Non-toxic, debatable. (via)


Kinda like whack-a-mole, but without a mallet (and a whole hell of a lot cuter).

Amazing Jumping Demo

I wanna see this guy running to catch a train.

Happy Meals Outlawed In California

Lawmakers in California are blaming Happy Meal toys for making kids like fast food. So they've outlawed them. Surely this will cut down on all those 5-year-olds driving to McDonalds and buying themselves burgers and Star Wars trinkets. Surely.

Super Mario Crossover

Play through the old classic Super Mario Bros. game using your other favorite NES characters.

Wrinkled Ladies

Anita Renfroe feels that Beyonce may have left out a category of women who need some recognition and sends out this parody to women of a certain age who aren't afraid to shake it like a Polaroid pick-cha.


Purdue student Jennifer McCreight has an issue with a cleric's theory that scantily dressed women can cause natural disasters. So she had created Boobquake Day on April 26, where women can dress immodestly to see if that really can cause an earthquake. Over 80,000 people signed up to take part in the event!

Earth Day Pug

This pug is so good at being green!

Damn Thieving Octopus

A scuba free* diver is having a fun time exploring under the sea and BAM! An octopus swipes some gear and tries to make a run for it. Hot pursuit ensues. [Editor's note: you know the economy's doing really badly when you're getting mugged by an octopus.]

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