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14 Cats Washing Dishes

These polite felines don't mind helping with the after-dinner chores.

This Cat Is Super Pissed

Caesar the talking cat is upset they're renewing the Kardashians for 3 more years.

Wonder Years Cat Episode 3

The third episode of wonder years cat has him pondering the meaning of life.

Sexy Cat On The Prowl For Lovin'

The SPCA have created a spot starring Sultan, a womanizing tomcat who’s a compulsive breeder. The campaign aims to educate people on the importance of sterilizing their pets.

20 Cats That Would Kick Your Ass

When it comes to whooping some serious booty, cats are one of the most underrated animals on the planet. There’s something so peaceful and cuddly about them that you never think twice about one serving up a plate of ass-whoop. This list proves that cats are the secret ninjas of the animal kingdom.Want more LOL pet videos? Subscribe to Petsami Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter

Bless You Kitty

There is only one true sneezing!

30 Wet, Unhappy Cats

Cats are like oil and water is like... water -- they do not mix. Here are some wet felines that are hating their day.

10 Ninja Cats With Mad Skills

These catz are top trained azzazzins! Watch them has they showcase their mad ninja skills! Powwow kerbang!

May Flowers: A Caturday Collection

We all know what comes after April Showers, but no one knows better than these cats who love to frolic in the May flowers! A very special thanks to the Flickr photographers who share their glorious cat photos with us!

Cat In The Bag

Ouch. I'd feel bad for laughing, but let's face it: it's nice to see a cat doing something embarrassing.

Cat's Head Stuck In Plastic Cup

He seems to like it. I like the part where there's a cup on the cat's head.

Bobinski The Shameless Kitten

Bobinski, the little feline he devil, he's stealing the hearts of My Little Pony's and internet surfers alike!

XLR8 for Cats

XLR8 will turn your boring cat into a high performance racing machine!

Dishwasher Cat

Who says cats aren't helpful?

Cat Vs. Giant Wheel

I'm having 2001: Space Odyssey flashbacks...

Mylo the Cat Goes to the Zoo

Mylo the Cat visits the Miami Metro Zoo in Florida, and provides some freakin witty commentary.

Cat Flash Moments

The light point way of life

Henri - The Existential Cat

'A white idiot writhes on his chair, begging for cheeseburgers. I am surrounded by morons ...' Because being a cat on the internet is not always all it's cracked up to be...

Cats Using Your Laptop

Here are some examples of what your cat does when you're not paying attention.

Cat Shows Bear Who's Boss

Stay away black bear or else! (Hint: the boss is the cat. Always the cat.)

Careful Climber Doesn't Like Surprises

Avoid a fright from mobile phones and remotes when jumping onto the couch and follow this cautious cats cool tip!

Cat Babysitting Chicks

Oscar babysitting these Chicks while their Mother is out.

This Cat Is Cray Cray

Step 1: allow the cat to wear the harness around the house so that it may become accustomed to it.

Stoned Cats

You know what day it is, dude...

Five Hours Of The Dubstep Hipster Cat

DJ Skifcha is available for your Caturday dubstep party. My favorite part is at about 3 hours in where the cat is wearing paper glasses.

13 Cats Eating Sushi

Cats liked their fish raw way before it was human-cool.

Courageous Cat Takes One Giant Leap

A nervous cat contemplates making the giant leap into a boat that is slowly drifting away.

Thai Monkey Vs Cat

Probably one of the cutest fights you'll ever see. That's one really patient cat!

Fearless Cat Shows Bear Who's Boss

A group of bears looking for their next meal stumble upon a delicious cat. Funny enough, the cat defends itself and the bear gets scared and runs away.

Kittens Texting

Kittens are all the rage online. Now we might know why.

Drunk Kitty Is Drunk

someone should call kitty-services..this is really unacceptable kitty care..

Stop Looking At This Cat's Girlfriend

Cat boyfriend thinks you're a pencil-neck-dweeb. If he catches you eyeing his woman one more time he'll give you a swirly in the litter box.

Cats In Space

Mission: to boldly go where no feline has gone before.

Cat With Heart-Shaped Fur

This cat has one-of-a-kind fur and knows it. His face says, "I'm hot. Deal with it."

Weird Cat

She was totally acting weird

Ridiculously Happy Cat Family

Too happy, if you ask me. Get a room or something, happy cat family. Nobody wants to have your domestic contentment shoved in their faces.

The Roommate

Chris has a contentious relationship with his messy and disrespectful roommate.

This Kitten Needs A Home!

This tale needs a happy ending. Want to adopt Thelma or some other deserving cat or kitten? Go to www.lolcr.or and find out how.

Orange Cat

Title says it all...


Cat Ivan said "SHE is JUST A FRIEND" You'll be the judge;-)

Lil Kitty Memebon!

Little kitten Memebon is known as the most cutest kitten in the world! She is a sweet Exotic Shorthair kitten from Japan, everyone loves Memebon!

Cat Nap

humans just don't understand!

10 Epic Steampunk Cats

Could be the cutest use of cats and Steampunk ever.

Most Innocent Kitten Alive

I'm sure this kitten can do no wrong! Just look into her eyes and tell me you don't feel the same. You might be left with an 'Aww' though!

A Panther On Your Lap

Becoming a lap cat is easy, just ask Panther.

We ❤ You, Tigger

My favorite youtube pussycat, Tigger, still needs our encouragement four years later when he gets his nails clipped (or he'll purr "nooo").

Ballet Cat

Watch this feisty cat chase light reflections set to a delightful ballet piece.

Chick Makes A Cat Nest

Oscar the cat has learned how to keep this chick warm and quiet!

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all you cuddle bunnies out there!

Famous Cat Has An Entourage

This latest video of Shironeko shows him hanging out with his entourage, as well as a stuffed animal version of himself. Anyone else feel like this cat is maybe getting a little bit too big for his boots?

Crazy Kitteh

Loves Water

This Cat Is Taking Half A Break

This kitty has a cute way of taking a few minutes to recover from his obviously hectic life!

Cat And Baby BFFs

I'm going to warn you, there's not a ton going on here beyond a big fat cat and a baby taking a nap together. But ask yourself this: Do you really need any more than that?

Star Wars: The Cat Strikes

Watch your mouth kitty, or you’ll find yourself floating home.

Cat Loves Getting Vacuumed

Wouldn't it be great if every cat loved to be vacuumed?

Cat and washing machine

Cat and washing machine.. what is going on inside? Let me open it.. mah mah mah.. ha? mah mah mah.. ;)

Cat Stack!

Do you own lots of cats?! Finding it hard to locate them, keep losing track of them? Then these following pictures may be just what you need! Haha! (the following pictures are just for fun we do not suggest you do any of the following).

Cat Playing Yu-Gi-Oh!

From a quick survey of the game, it seems like the best strategy here would be to equip her deck with a Black Salvo and a Cyber Dragon, then really just let loose! But I'm sure the cat knows what she's doing.

Cat Self Brush

To err is human, to purr is feline

Shadow-boxing Cat

Biceps-building? Upper-arm-toning? Cat ivan tries it all to "look pawsome" ;-))

Help Save Shelter Cats With Dancing With The Stars' Carrie Ann Inaba

Catch the premiere of Crib Cat with Carrie Ann Inaba. Can you help Blizzard find a forever home? Find out how to help by clicking the link. Each week, we try to match a deserving shelter cat to the perfect crib. Help Blizzard find a home by sharing the show!

Crib Cat With Carrie Ann Inaba: Meet Blizzard

Help Carrie Ann Inaba and Kit find deserving cribs for shelter cats in need of a forever home. In our first episode, we meet Blizzard, a ladies man looking for a little love.

Cat And Paper Bag

So the other day, I finally had a Saturday night off and decided my boyfriend and I should go out for wings and beer to celebrate. We ended up at a wing place that was having an NHL event, and it ended up being a cool night. They gave us loot bags at the end of the night, which caused all sorts of fun for our cats at home. Hope you enjoy this as much as we did!

Pudge Isn't Very Playful

You can't teach a cat to be lazy, either she has it or she doesn't.

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