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    Just 11 Things To Try In June

    Because we tried them for you in May.

    This post features a mix of items that we purchased with our own money and those that were provided to us at no cost for the sake of review. (But! We’re under no obligation to write a review of those things, let alone a positive review.)

    1. An air fryer (from the makers of the INSTANT POT!!) so you can crisp up leftovers, make homemade versions of your favorite fried foods (without having to deal with hot oil), and more.

    2. A grooming glove designed with nodules on the fingers and palms to make brushing the excess hair from your cat, dog, or even horse more like petting — so your pet won't fidget or get uncomfortable, and your sofa (and clothes!) won't be constantly covered in hair.

    The grooming glove with silicone nodules, full of hair held in front of a French bulldog

    3. A tube of Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint if you love a bold lip look (or a subtle one, you can choose from 20 shades!) but are tired of flaking, fading, and smudging.

    Reviewer wearing the lip paint in pink

    4. A set of truly wedgie-proof underwear you can lounge, move around, and walk comfortably in, without having to pluck fabric from between your cheeks every five minutes.

    5. An adorable animal-shaped tool to help you open doors and push buttons (without touching them) while in public.

    6. The Movie Quiz Book, a handy little volume chock-full of (you guessed it!) movie trivia quizzes so you can test your knowledge across a whopping 1,600 questions.

    7. A cast iron tortilla press for incredibly easy and tasty two-ingredient deliciousness — no need to wait until Taco Tuesday.

    8. A pair of Levi's 501 skinny jeans, because finding the perfect white denim pair that *doesn't* turn see-through?! ::chef's kiss::

    9. A winning combo of Glow Recipe's Watermelon Glow toner and sleeping mask for all the hydration your skin is longing for — without any oiliness or residue.

    The toner and mask

    10. A Nalgene water bottle so you can stay hydrated and reduce single-use plastics. These bbs last fooooreeeeeverrrrr.

    Reviewer holding three Nalgenes, illustrated with hearts

    11. A pretty acetate PopGrip that's *not* just for your phone — might as well stick one on every device that tends to tumble from your hands on the regular.

    A white kindle with a blue acetate popsocket, with the text "no more dropping my Kindle on my face when lying down"

    Looking for more reviews? Check out our May, March, February, January, December, November, and October editions for more products we love.

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