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    Just 30 Random Products We Really Love

    Vegan deodorant, a movie quiz book, and other products we (the BuzzFeed Shopping team) truly adore – you falling in love with this stuff too is inevitable, necessary self-care, OK? 😘

    1. A champagne stopper so your bubbly will never lose its mojo once you pop the bottle.

    2. Soft cotton panties that'll give you full coverage and loads of comfort.

    3. A matte lipstick to give your pretty puckers a beautiful shade that won't budge for the whole day.

    BuzzFeed editor Kayla Boyd holding wearing a nude pink lipstick and holding the tube near her face

    4. A four-piece multi-purpose frying pan so you can cook almost anything you want to in this thing and clean it up way easier.

    5. A jewelry tree that'll ~leaf~ you so satisfied with how pretty your accessories look organized neatly on it.

    BuzzFeed writer Sam Wieder's jewelry tree full of jewelry neatly placed on it. It has three tiers for hanging and a tray at the bottom for other pieces.

    6. Levi's 501 skinny jeans made of 100% cotton that'll make you look like the super-cool street style icon you definitely already are.

    7. A surface cleaner to wipe gunk and grime away from literally any surface in your home. Uh-huh. You're about to be a lean, mean, cleaning machine all thanks to this one bottle.

    the spray bottle

    8. An auxetic mesh chair designed to give your space a super sleek look while it gives your bum and back the flexibility they need when you sit for any period of time.

    9. A CeraVe moisturizer that'll be like a refreshing glass of water to your face.

    BuzzFeed writer Marquaysa holding the tub of moisturizer

    10. Fenty Beauty cream blush so you can have your cheeks out all this season with a subtle, lightweight flush.

    11. An anti-frizz microfiber towel that'll dry your hair after a good wash without the damage that often comes with blow dryers and their combs. It'll also be less abrasive than the traditional towel so you'll be able to minimize breakage.

    A reviewer's head with the microfiber towel wrapped around it

    12. An air fryer to hands-down increase your love for cooking by 380 degrees (or whatever you need to put it on to fry all the tasty things with zero oil).

    13. Vegan deodorant made with essential oils so you can keep yourself feeling and smelling fresh — 'cause funky underarms and animal cruelty are truly ~the pits~.

    Reviewer's hand holding the Cannabis and Green Tea scent of the deodorant

    14. A tortilla kit to help you whip up your very own 100% gluten-free corn tortillas anytime your taste buds tell you it's time for them.

    15. A three-piece bamboo sheet set that'll renew your love for spending your downtime lounging in bed.

    A bed with green sheets on it and two pillows with matching green cases

    16. A robot vacuum (because yup, it's time you lived like the Jetsons) to pick up all the dust bunnies, pet hair, and whatever else needs picking up — without you having to lift one finger.

    17. A water-activated powder shampoo so you can give your hair a mild cleanse on wash day thanks to ingredients like coconut (provides a creamy lather), rice protein (adds shine and fullness), and aloe vera (conditions and hydrates).

    a model's hand holding the bottle of Moondust

    18. A set of velvet hangers that'll help your slipperiest clothes (think silk, satin, and rayon) stay hung in place and save closet space since they're much thinner than the bulkier plastic hangers.

    19. A hair-removing glove so you can sweep through your pet's coat with ease and remove all the hair that'll normally find a home in your carpet and on your furniture — all the while giving your fur baby all the rubs they desire.

    The grooming glove with silicone nodules, full of hair held in front of a French bulldog

    20. Stasher reusable silicone bags to save you money on buying new ones ~and~ help you save the earth while you're at it since you'll be putting less plastic into the environment. Woot 🌍!

    21. The Movie Quiz Book so you'll never have to ~question~ what you should do next when boredom strikes your friendship or family circle. Just whip out this book and it'll put a whole new spin on the definition of "movie night." 🎥🍿

    22. A high-def, indoor/outdoor wireless home security system that'll be so easy to install and monitor, you'll wonder why you haven't started your own private eye business🧐. You'll also be glad to know it has a 365-day battery life with just ONE charge.

    23. A vanity organizer to help you keep all your stuff organized without you having to even try too hard at it.

    The vanity organizer with skincare and hair products on it

    24. A beautiful wave ring for whenever you need to just add a ~splash~ of extra personality to your look without going overboard.

    BuzzFeed writer Jasmin Suknanan's hand wearing the wave ring. It's silver and the metal is bent in the shape of a single wave.

    25. Dish-cleaning spray that'll work so well you just may start to look forward to being on dish duty just to have some fun with its powerful instant foam.

    The spray bottle

    26. Pantene Intense Rescue Shots that are meant to improve damaged hair after the first use. It'll make your hair shinier and less prone to breakage so you can get back to flipping your tresses like they do in those hair commercials.

    Three small tubes (same size as Neosporin or Orajel) of the Pantene hair shots

    27. Laundry detergent made just for your dark clothes so their color remains just as deep and bold as they were when you first bought 'em! (Seriously, say "no" to faded black jeans 🙅🏿‍♀️ and all that jazz.)

    the bottle with a twist-off top

    28. A double-repair moisturizer that'll provide 48-hour hydration and start repairing your skin's protective barrier within one hour of application. I'm not sayin' it's magic but I'm not sayin' it isn't...?

    Reviewer's hand holding a squeezable bottle of the moisturizer

    29. Heritage Store alcohol-free rosewater toner to restore your skin's pH balance and splashing you with hyaluronic acid that helps the skin hold onto moisture better. It'll also be super gentle on sensitive and acne-prone skin.

    BuzzFeed writer Marquaysa's hand holding the toner which has a twist-off top

    30. A loose-leaf tea steeper and strainer that'll immediately dispense perfectly brewed tea straight into any cup you sit it on top of.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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