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Jason Segel

Males Vs. Females: "The Perfect Female Body"

Plus the bros of Coachella, what you NEED to know about Mountain Dew's ingredients, and little kids try to figure out what a Walkman is.

Every Judd Apatow Movie Ever In One Movie

The 40-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It captures the Apatowian oeuvre, replete with chest wax, vagina jokes, and chubby Semitics.

The Muppet Show Comes Back

If a new Muppet film goes well, Disney might bring the show back. Forgetting Sarah Marshall writer Jason Segel, who's writing the film, is already talking about writing a show too.

"F*ck You, Lou Ferrigno!"

On the set of the upcoming film I Love You, Man, Jason Segel films a hilarious scene with the original Incredible Hulk, dropping a line likely to earn the respect of teenage boys everywhere upon the movie's release.

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