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Proverbs 31:30 ♥

Sep 2014
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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on 10 Enchanting Behind-The-Scenes Details About How The "Beauty And The Beast" Special Came To Life

    It did come on last night but it’s also now on Disney+


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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on Can We Guess Your Personal Life Philosophy?

    You got: “The only true limits in life are self-imposed.” You have an inner strength that everyone around you admires. You’re amazing in a crisis, and you always work hard to achieve what you believe in. You probably don’t even realise your own strength. You’re going to achieve great… 


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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on 12 Sure Signs You've Met Your Soulmate

    The cuteness - butter and toast! ♥


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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on 21 Foods That Should Not Be Minions And Yet Here We Are

    I actually love minions so this is not all bad to me! ♥


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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on Men Say What They Secretly Think About Thigh Gaps

    I don't think people realize that regardless of how much weight you lose sometimes, you won't have a thigh gap. It depends on how your pelvis is shaped and you kind of can't change that.


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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on What "Criminal Minds" Character Are You?

    You got: Emily Prentiss You are one of the kindest, bravest people out there, but you don’t normally let anyone see it. You feel like you can’t trust anyone, but when you let your friends in, you realize just how important they are to you. You care for your loved ones so much and… 


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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on Which Disney Sidekick Should Be Your Sidekick?

    You got: Pegasus Pegasus should be your sidekick! Even if you go years without seeing each other, he won’t hesitate to jump right back into your life and help you out. Bonus points for Pegasus because he can also fly you around


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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on How Type A Are You, Actually?

    You got: You’re pretty Type A, but not over the top. You like to stay organized and be in control, but you know when to chill out and relax. You’re basically the best of both worlds. You get shit done, but don’t let shit be done to you. You intimidate all those around you… and you… 


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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on Which "Animal Crossing" Character Are You?

    You got: Pelly Cheerful and polite, you always remain calm under pressure. You’re serious about your work, but you know how to have fun and still get things done; you’re never too busy for a little small talk and maybe a coffee run! And, like Pelly, you’re an extrovert; your friendliness… 


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  • jammpamm's avatar

    jammpamm commented on How Should People Show You They Love You?

    You got: Quality Time Time is valuable, so nothing means more to you than when your partner or friends choose to spend proper time alone with just you. You love having people’s undivided attention, so if people are distracted by their computer or phone while they’re talking to you,… 


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