Whitney's Favorite Buzz Of 2012

    There was a lot of good buzz this year but I tried REALLY hard to pick my absolute favorite buzz.

    1. Hanksy's Marty McFly

    2. 40 Glorious Routines From The 1988 Aerobic Championships

    3. Macaulay Culkin's art

    4. Coco spilling wine on a baby

    5. Lil Bub's day at the office

    6. Remembering what the "Boy Meets World" theme song was like in the first season

    7. Discovering what Angela from "Boy Meets World" looks like today

    8. and what Lisa Turtle looks like today

    9. Aaron Paul on "The Price Is Right"

    10. Lady Gaga in Amsterdam

    11. 31 Dogs Who Are Totally Stoned Right Now

    12. The Cute List and Fab or Drab?

    13. James Frano as Kevin Federline

    14. Justin Timberlake doing child pageants

    15. 20 Dated Celebrity Endorsements From Over A Decade Ago

    16. Liz & Dick

    17. Honey Boo Boo in Los Angeles

    18. The people you need to unfriend on Facebook immediately

    19. That time I spent hours looking for every song Ryan Gosling ever sang.

    20. Demi Lovato's Eyebrows On The “X Factor”

    21. Harry Styles trying to be sly about looking at Taylor Swift's butt

    22. This twitter update

    23. Soooo many drunk celebrities

    24. Guessing the frosted tips

    25. The resurgence of Lisa Frank

    26. Kate Middleton as Beyonce

    27. Miserable Mercy (RIP)

    28. The "Wet Hot American Summer" reunion

    29. Asking Lance Bass about things he said when he was dating Topanga and still in N Sync

    30. Learning how much James Van Der Beek hates IMDb

    31. Amanda Bynes smoking weed in her car

    32. This Miley Cyrus/Liam Hemsworth face swap

    33. The Choice Hotties Of 1999

    34. The best damn parody of "The Bachelor" that ever was

    35. This completely unnecessary list of David Silver clips

    36. Tina Fey and her daughter Alice's eye-roll

    37. Stumbling upon the "Lord" Scott Disick fandom

    38. Michelle Duggar's old hair

    39. The 21 Most Awkward Situations In History

    40. JLo's male body double

    41. When Big Ang visited BuzzFeed

    42. The '90s kid problems meme

    43. The faces Britney Spears made on X Factor:

    44. EVERYTHING about Arrested Development's return

    45. Ikea Monkey

    46. How Mario Lopez trims his Christmas tree

    47. Chavril

    48. Tan Mom

    49. This GIF of Obama

    50. and this girl.