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"Real" Geek Girls Are Really Real, Indeed!

Why one man took it upon himself to fight the Fake Geek Girl myth and how he intends to do it. HINT: It's silly / serious interviews.

DrewsClues 7 years ago

The 8 Greatest Mysteries Of Twitter Verification

If you're a regular Twitterer you've probably noticed the elite users sporting fancy blue check-marks next to their names. We've decided to unravel the mysteries of this exclusive club and offer suggestions on how to fix it.

DrewsClues 8 years ago

16 Reasons Galavant Is The BEST Show You Never Watched

If the world gives you a "live-action Disney fairy-tale musical for adults," watch it! Or, don't and let it die like the monster you are. Here are 16 reasons you need to binge all 18 episodes. NOW.

DrewsClues 8 years ago

23 Reasons Anya Is Adorably Amazing

Wit, charm, and a complete inability to filter her thoughts make Anya one of the greatest Whedon characters ever. We wish we could be her. Appreciate her wisdom and lack of tact whether you are a fan or not with these gifs. SPOILERS.

DrewsClues 10 years ago

Disney Afternoon - The Golden Era Of Cartoons

DuckTales, Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, TaleSpin and Gummi Bears... the pinnacle of cartoon shows. If you agree, you were probably born in the late 80's or early 90's. Take a stroll down memory lane with me and try NOT to smile or sing along with the themes!

DrewsClues 10 years ago

29 Undeniable Reasons The Doctor And Clara Are In Love

Series 7 Spoilers! Sure, he might be married to River, but she's also dead. I can't be the only person who noticed an awful lot of romantic tension. We know Eleven is touchy, but this stuff is just blatant. Whouffle or Clara x Eleven ftw!

DrewsClues 10 years ago

31 INFJ Problems

INFJ stands for Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, and Judging. Take the MBTI Test and find out if you're part of the rarest personality type!

DrewsClues 10 years ago