17 Really Helpful Things You Need To Hear If You're Going Through A Breakup

    You will NOT always feel this way.

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community for their best advice for dealing with a bad breakup. Here’s what they had to say.

    1. A clean break is the best break.

    2. Focus on YOURSELF!

    3. Don't be the 'crazy ex'.

    4. You will not always feel this way.

    5. You don't need to be validated.

    6. Don't set any sort of timeline for yourself on when you should be over your ex.

    7. Watch 500 Days of Summer!

    8. Let yourself be sad.

    9. Unfriend them on everything!

    10. Try writing your feelings down.

    11. Break your routine and shake things up.

    12. Stop holding out hope that you will get back together.

    13. Ask for help when you need it.

    14. Take a shower.

    15. Indulge in your favourite food.

    16. Find joy in laughing.

    17. Always remember you are enough.

    Be sure to follow the BuzzFeed community on Facebook and Twitter for your chance to be featured in future BuzzFeed posts.