17 Dumb Choices Movie Characters Made That Are Honestly So Infuriating

    Star-Lord ruined EVERYTHING. He can choke, tbh.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us some of the dumbest choices anyone has ever made in a movie. Here are the infuriating results.


    1. In A Quiet Place, when the parents were super lax with their kids and both walked in front of them, despite there being killer monsters that attacked anyone who made noise.

    The family walking in "A Quiet Place," and the monster attacking the youngest son

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    2. In The Witches, when that random woman decided to take a nap on the top of a cliff, leaving her unattended baby in a stroller that was pointed directly toward the ledge.

    The baby's stroller flying down the cliff because the mom fell asleep at the top

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    3. In Spider-Man: Far from Home, when Peter gave EDITH to Mysterio, despite only knowing him for a few days and Tony giving very specific instructions to keep it to himself.

    Peter Parker giving EDITH to Mysterio

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    4. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, when Ron and Hermione decided to have a passionate make-out session while Hogwarts was being attacked by every evil creature in the Wizarding World.

    Ron and Hermione kissing in "Deathly Hallows – Part 2"

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    5. In Jurassic Park, when the first T-Rex escaped, so Lex decided to shine a giant flashlight and give up her hiding spot, instead of trying to lay low.

    Lex shining a giant flashlight at the dinosaur

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    6. In Star Wars: A New Hope, when Darth Vader spent decades building the $852 quadrillion Death Star, something that could be easily destroyed by a single Star Fighter in one shot.

    Luke Skywalker destroying the Death Star in one shot

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    7. In Avengers: Infinity War, when the Avengers were in the middle of removing the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos's hand, but Star-Lord ruined everything because he couldn't ignore his feelings for five seconds.

    Star-Lord being an idiot and breaking Thanos's trance so they can't retrieve the Gauntlet

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    8. In I Know What You Did Last Summer, when Helen was running away from the killer and was literally six feet from a crowded area but decided to stop, turn around, and look back at the dark alley she was escaping from, giving the killer enough time to catch up to her and murder her.

    Helen almost escaping the alley but getting murdered instead because she's an idiot

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    9. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, when Snow White decided to eat an apple with a literal skull on it from a complete stranger who was super invested in how Snow White was alone.

    Snow White eating the poison apple

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    10. In Big Hero 6, when Tadashi decided to run into the building that was completely engulfed in flames and full of dangerous chemicals.

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    11. In Uncut Gems, when Howard locked Phil in his bulletproof container for hours and then decided to let him go when the basketball game was over, as if nothing would be wrong.

    Howard unlocking the door and then getting shot by Phil

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    12. In Jaws, when the guys decided to hunt and kill the world's biggest shark with their small, old, run-down boat that could barely stay afloat on its own.

    The shark destroying the boat

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    13. In Zodiac, when Robert thought he was alone with the Zodiac Killer, so instead of escaping he decided to check out the dark, creepy basement with him instead.

    Roger slowly figuring out that Vaughn may be the Zodiac Killer

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    14. In The Hunger Games, when Katniss was stuck in the tree and all of those kids tried to kill her for, like, two minutes but then gave up, so they decided to camp out and sleep below her and just wait for her to hopefully come down.

    The tributes getting stung from tracker jackers and dying

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    15. In Crazy Rich Asians, literally every single time Nick decided to hide information about his family from Rachel, despite them flying across the world to see them.

    Rachel finding out Nick's family is rich while on the flight to see them

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    16. In Titanic, when Old Rose climbed onto the side of the ship and threw the priceless Heart of the Ocean necklace into the water.

    Old Rose throwing the Heart of the Ocean into the water

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    17. And in every horror movie, like, ever, when the main character *thinks* they've killed the murderer and lets their guard down, and then they're surprised when the murderer isn't actually dead and returns to finish the job.

    Every single time Jason was "dead" in the "Halloween" movie franchise

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