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    31 Things You Need If You're Horrible At Concentrating

    Please concentrate on reading this post so these can help you!!!

    1. A privacy screen filter so you don't get overwhelmed by the feeling that your neighbor is watching you work. Aka nosy deskmates won't be able to read your emails anymore (unless you hit reply all) and you'll be able to focus on your work without looking over your shoulder.

    2. A pair of noise-cancelling Bluetooth headphones that'll block out your cubicle neighbor's incessant chattering when you REALLY need to focus and get things done (like two hours ago). Commence panic mode.

    3. Or! A set of foam earplugs for successfully ignoring noisy people in the office a little more discreetly if you don't want to make it obvious (or have to listen to music).

    4. A pack of mushroom coffee mix, because reviewers say this gives them the same amount of energy as regular cups of joe, but without any jitters or caffeine headaches. If you usually put off work because of midday crashes, this could definitely help give you a better head start.

    5. A pair of blue light glasses so you can read emails without a headache (at least from the blue light). They minimize ~digital eye strain~ to prevent midday crashes caused by your glaring screen, so you actually stay in the zone.

    6. A white noise machine to not only drown out any distracting noises from the street, cubicle mate, dorms, WHEREVER, but get in the zone thanks to its soothing sound. Reviewers swear this helps them concentrate!

    7. A productivity timer that'll help you balance your tasks and breaks. You work for thirty minutes and chill out for five minutes — studying is manageable when there's light at the end of the tunnel.

    8. A set of squishy eggs for reducing stress levels if even LOOKING at Excel sends you into a tizzy. They come in three resistance levels to work your way up (and build grip strength) — and can help prevent nervous habits, like nail biting or cuticle picking.

    9. Or! A stainless steel spinner ring, because every time you get stressed and want to pick or bite, you can fidget with this instead. People say this serves as a great distraction for releasing any restlessness!

    10. An all-natural tension relief balm with aromatherapy benefits so you can soothe late afternoon headaches and spend less time rubbing your temples and more time getting your work done. Fluorescent lights have nothing on this.

    11. An elephant desk organizer that'll finally declutter your space — something that's probably quite distracting. And! It holds your phone so you don't religiously check it, instead of doing your work. Your notifications will be much easier to quickly read...just maybe mute that group chat for now.

    12. A gel-enhanced seat cushion for making sure back pain won't hold you back when the daily 4 p.m. *slump* hits. This'll help improve your posture, maximize comfort (hello, memory foam), and perhaps even make you happy to be at your desk.

    13. A portable laptop desk, because this'll prevent you from falling asleep if your favorite place to "work" is in bed. Now you'll actually stay focused instead of mysteriously winding up on Netflix.

    14. An essential oil blend of eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, and pine so you have a quick pick-me-up the MINUTE you wonder if you should nap, instead. This can help keep your mind focused and your energy levels back on track.

    15. A monitor mount clip to keep things you REALLY can't forget about or straight-up ignore right in front of your face. Procrastinators, meet your match. Your tasks are watching you.

    16. A squeeze-pack of Justin's honey peanut butter that'll understand getting literally anything done feels impossible when you're hangry. These are a perfect (and filling) office snack to overcome bellyache blues.

    17. A daily planner specifically designed to increase productivity, time management, and overall ~progress~. It helps you set up monthly, weekly, and daily goals so tasks feel less tedious — it's all about the big picture! Now you'll actually get things done without 40 minute "quick breaks".

    18. An LED table lamp for making your bedroom as bright as possible if you're an adamant night owl and can't be changed. This'll make sure it never gets dark enough to just "give up and go to bed". Don't. You. DARE.

    19. A mini essential oil diffuser, because this'll create a soothing atmosphere whenever you start to feel a little TOO pressured. It's hard to be productive when you're in your own way — some peppermint aromatherapy oil should help clear your head and help you regain focus.

    20. A to-do list notepad so you have something that basically reads your mind every time you're asked to make an Excel spreadsheet, but will force you to plan your tasks out nonetheless. That "number crunching" needs to get done for whatever reason.

    21. A pack of Neuro energy gum that'll help you fight afternoon slumps with a *manageable* caffeine kick. Its formula of green tea caffeine, vitamin B6 (for your mood), and vitamin B12 (for your energy) work together to get you back on task without any fear of crashing down the road. Put the energy drink DOWN.

    22. A mousepad weekly planner for making it practically impossible to forget the tasks at hand. Plus, it's hard to get mad at your responsibilities when they look so optimistic.

    23. Or an adjustable standing desk, because this'll get you on your feet and clear your head after sitting for way too long. It's easy to zone out when on your bum all day — this'll shake things up (and maybe even motivate some *creativity*). Emails...here I come.

    24. A habit-tracking calendar so you can make both short-term and long-term goals to be better about achieving the daunting work tasks you usually blow off. This'll actually help you watch your progress so things like "responding to my boss before they ask me to" seem attainable.

    25. An exercise ball that'll improve your posture and strengthen your core all while sitting down at the office. If you haven't made it to a workout class since, well, ever this is a great way to squeeze in some very light activity. Plus, reviewers say this helps to increase their productivity since it makes sitting at a desk a little less mundane!

    26. A lightweight contoured sleep mask and late-night creative journal for helping you quiet annoying thoughts that keep you up 'til morning and actually fall (and stay!) asleep. The first step to an ability to focus all day: a clear head from eight hours of rest. Now you CAN get out of bed.

    27. A set of fine-point markers, because this'll make writing up study guides feel less like annoying homework, and more like arts and crafts. Sometimes the only way to learn that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell is if it's written in purple.

    28. A double-sided sign so you can let coworkers know when you do and don't want to socialize — aka now no one will try to chat when you're in the middle of making a v important presentation. You can mount it on your cubicle, office or dorm door, really wherever!

    29. A Chrome extension called StayFocusd that'll increase your productivity by restricting the length of time you can stay on time-sucking sites like Reddit. Apparently homework gets done a lot faster when you don't watch an hour's worth of conspiracy videos on YouTube first.

    30. A self-empowerment guide titled UnFu*k Yourself for some inspiration to get past life's seemingly impossible obstacles (like working on boring projects for more than 20 minutes) and be your own best self. The main takeaway from this book: NO. EXCUSES.

    31. A monitor riser and keyboard organizer, because these'll work as a team to make your desk the neatest it's ever been. Now that all your belongings have a proper place, you'll actually be able to focus.

    Maybe now's the time to tell you that napping with your eyes open isn't great...

    Make your life even more ~adult~. Check out some of the best home organization products on Amazon, the best all-natural cleaning products for your home, the best bathroom cleaning products, organization products perfect for neat freaks, and, of course, our ultimate guide to cleaning every single room in your house.

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