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    37 Problem-Solving Products For Anyone Who Wants To Be Pleasantly Surprised

    This "flossing toothbrush" with two layers of bristles to mimic flossing is going to change your dental hygiene game for good.

    1. A set of affordable, highly popular wireless Bluetooth earbuds to gift yourself *excellent* AirPod dupes, except arguably better — these are completely waterproof (like, you can fully take them in the shower) and come with several silicone earbuds to get the best fit possible.

    These come with a wireless charging case that provides up to 14 hours of charge (with the earbuds able to play for four-plus hours with each full charge). 

    Promising review: "Best decision! These are the greatest headphones ever! I saw them on TikTok months ago and added them to my wishlist. I got a new phone that doesn't have the headphone port so I decided it was time to finally buy them. They are amazing and I probably won't ever take them out of my ears! 😂" —Katlyn D Arnold

    Get it from Amazon $20.79+ (get this price by clipping the 20% off coupon on the product page; available in six colors).

    2. A no-scrub weekly shower cleaner so handy you can quite literally "set and forget" to maintain its cleanliness over time — once you apply it after a shower, you just have to wait 8 to 12 hours and it'll quietly tackle the soap scum, grime, oils, mold, and mildew stains without any elbow grease from you.

    A dirty shower with a yellow floor
    The shower floor all clean

    Promising review: "I have well water. Something in my well water reacts with copper plumbing and turns my shower tiles blue. Since my bathroom color scheme isn't on the blue spectrum, this is problematic. The well water also causes the shower glass to film up quickly. I've tried dozens and dozens of cleaners and scrubbed till my arms ached trying to get ahead of the blue and scumminess. My ambition in life is NOT to be a full time bathroom scrubber! I saw this stuff on a professional house cleaner's TikTok (sorry, don't remember which one) and thought 'what the heck, might as well give it a try.' Oh my goodness, the first day after my shower I sprayed this stuff all over and walked away. The next morning there was a NOTICEABLE reduction in the blue and the glass looked clearer too. Day two, sprayed again and walked away. The next morning the blue was gone except for a few spots on the floor tile and the glass looked amazing. Day three I sprayed the remaining spots and the next morning the shower practically looked new. NO SCRUBBING AT ALL!!!! This is my new favorite shower cleaner. The ONLY con I have is that it makes me sneeze while I'm spraying from inside the shower, but I can live with that." —L. J. Petillo

    Get it from Amazon for $18.61.

    3. A "flossing toothbrush" with two layers of bristles — regular firm bristles, and longer ones that are ten times thinner to clean deep in between your teeth and gums to mimic flossing. Reviewers love how deep the clean feels, and also how soft it is on sensitive teeth! 

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Dr. Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. 

    I personally just bought this at the recommendation of BuzzFeeder Stephanie Hope, and love it just after the first few days of use! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I'm getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively. 

    Here's what BuzzFeeder Stephanie Hope has to say about them: "Growing up, I was the absolute worst at flossing and brushing my teeth. It was so bad, I ended up developing periodontitis, which is inflammation of the gums caused by a build up of bacteria. It causes your gums to separate and recede from your teeth. It's pretty bad. Well, now I obviously go to the dentist regularly, but still struggle to floss my teeth as often as I should. These toothbrushes are such a game changer for me! The bristles at the tip are sooo tiny, I can literally feel them cleaning between my teeth. My gums get red easily if I don't floss enough, and ever since I started using this twice a day, they're no longer red! They look so healthy, and I truly feel like I'm actually getting a good cleaning, compared to other manual toothbrushes. It's gentle enough for my sensitive gums, but gets in deep to prevent plaque. I'm obsessed!" 

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $9.90

    4. A fast-acting ChomChom pet hair remover roller that is deeply beloved by pet owners — it's like a sticky lint roller, but specifically designed to pick up pet hair and not only lock it in, but stash it inside the roller itself, so you don't end up making matters worse by just shoving the hair around instead of getting rid of it properly. 

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising review: "I have a golden retriever and the shedding is out of control. My fabric sofa is constantly covered in hair and I finally decided to try this after reading an article about popular TikTok products. The reviews do not lie, this thing works magic!! I wish I had taken a before and after picture because the difference is noticeable. I watched the video tutorial before I tried it to ensure I was using it properly and everything he says is true, you do really have to put your arm to work with vigorous back and forth movement! However, I find it's a great arm workout and it works wonders." —Joanne Ertel

    Get it from Amazon for $28.95

    5. A set of itty-bitty dermaplaning razors perfect not just for taking care of those lil' unibrow hairs that keep dodging your tweezers, but whatever face fuzzies you might want to take care of in a gentle way — an especially handy tool when many of us can't head to a salon like we normally would.

    6. An enzyme-based laundry stain remover that works its magic in one wash to help you instantly get rid of all that discolored dried sweat, oil stains, or deodorant residue on your favorite clothes.

    Check out a TikTok of the laundry spray in action. 

    Puracy is a Texas-based, family-owned small business specializing in plant-based, chemical-free, hypoallergenic home products, with a donation made to local families in need with a portion of every purchase. 

    Psst — this spray also does a number on all those other miscellaneous stains in your life, like wine, coffee, soy sauce, makeup, and period blood! I recently bought this to test it for myself, and can attest to how well it works to get period blood out even after you've tried something else. I stained a pair of beloved bright-blue bike shorts in my sleep and tried to get it out with soap and water, but the stain was still there when it came out of the wash. I treated it with this, stuck it back in the wash, and BOOM, it's like it never happened (I panicked before I could get a before and after, please forgive me, laundry gods).

    Promising review: "For whatever reason, I am ALWAYS spilling things on my shirts and I cook every night (sometimes I remember the apron, sometimes I don't). My clothes are a mess by the end of the day. I'm not proud of it, but there it is. I have tried EVERYTHING there is to remove stains and this is the absolute BEST thing out there. (There is simply not a major stain remover that I have not tried.) The only thing close is a long pre-soak (I mean like six hours) in Oxyclean. With Puracy, you get the best result by doing it well in advance, but for me that is another plus because I would far rather spray them when I put them in the hamper than do it all at once just before I do the laundry. It seems to get everything out and I've never had any trouble with damaged fabric. I don't really review very much, but this is seriously outstanding." —NYC Buyer

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in two sizes and multipack bundles). 

    7. A vitamin C–based face serum for brighter, firmer skin with muuuuch faster results than most of its competitors, and a lot less stress than expensive procedures or treatments. Plenty of reviewers could see a difference within just a few days of use.

    Before and after image of reviewer with more refreshed skin after use

    8. A painless, mint-flavored teeth-whitening pen you'll see results with from the very first use, lightening up years' worth of stains from coffee, tea, wine, or just...you know. Existing as a human with teeth.

    Promising review: "I bought this on a whim when I saw someone review it on TikTok. After using it several times over the course of a week, I immediately noticed the difference in the color of my teeth. I'm a smoker and a heavy coffee drinker. I'm finding that this product will be a lifesaver in terms of what my smile looks like. I would definitely recommend!!" —Mully

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.99 (clip the $5 off coupon on the product page for this price). 

    9. A ridiculously charming octopus-shaped blackhead remover you can use to gently scrub as part of your skin routine or in the shower to remove excess sebum to exfoliate pores and pull out blackheads, whiteheads, and other miscellaneous gunk from the day that you'd rather evict. 

    A black small octopus shaped remover in a reviewer's hand
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok, it works great so far." —MarMarManuel

    *Another* promising review: "After just two days of use, this adorable little octopus has done wonders for me, smells great too. Here's how I used it: I wore down the stick just a little to where the texture from the salt is visible, scrubbed around on my face so there was plenty of product, then I used my fingers to gently massage all the gunk away. Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy the softness. Highly recommended for people with sensitive skin like myself." —LuckLocust

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    10. A weekly pill organizer designed with push-through silicone lids to easily organize your pills at the beginning of the week, meaning you don't have to spend a bunch of time rooting through pill boxes and trying to remember the timing of them each morning.

    the pill organizer with slots for night and day of each day of the week that can be removed from the base
    model pushing pills into the silicone holes of the pill organizer

    Sagely is a family-owned small business founded by husband-and-wife team Ellie Glazer and Ivor Miskulin, who spent three years designing the ideal, stress-free pill storage solution. The silicone lids are super secure, but also designed for gentle and easy opening and closing to account for users with dexterity issues.

    Promising review: "Love this thing!!! I'm only 30 and didn't want an old lady pill box... and this one was modern and cool. The little slots to push in pills is fantastic and the containers are very large. It keeps my huge vitamin pills on either side and could fit over 10 large ones if needed. Love this thing. Worth the price and looks like it'll last forever. I do wish the magnets were stronger. They just keep them in place but will slide off if bumped. I assume this is helpful for people with arthritis. It's an easy fix. I take down one days worth of pills, set it on my counter and now I'm not too lazy to take my pills!" —Chicken McNugget

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99 (available in three colors).

    11. Essence's Lash Princess mascara, because life is extremely too short for un-clumping your mascara. This is not only clump-proof, but gives you instant length so effective, it will make your eyelashes look like they could take flight (while still looking natural enough that they won't be mistaken for falsies).

    12. The Always Pan from Our Place, which is perfect for anyone who has delicious culinary ambitions, but doesn't want to deal with all the complicated cookware to make it happen. This compact, BuzzFeed-beloved nonstick pan is actually eight pieces of cookware in one, and is designed braise, sear, steam, strain, sauté, fry, boil, serve, and store. Basically, if you can dream it, you can cook it in this bb.

    13. A super-popular time-marked water bottle you can get in a bajillion different colors to help motivate you to stay hydrated. Come for the fun colors, but stay for the super-handy flip top lid and silicone, leakproof spout that actually makes drinking water seem — dare I say — fun?

    14. A pair of wireless sleep headphones to play white noise or the music of your choice in a comfy headband, so your ears don't have to take the brunt of ear plugs or regular headphones while you snooze. Bonus: You can use these as hybrid earmuffs/headphones in the winter!

    A model sleeping with the headphone band around her ears

    15. A reviewer-beloved, aloe vera–based curl refresher spray that doesn't just rehydrate and revamp your curls, but can help detangle and prevent frizz.

    16. A Geekey multitool, which looks impressive at first glance, but functions as *deep breath* a coring tip, serrated edge, can opener, wire stripper, smoking pipe, file, imperial and metric ruler, protractor, bottle opener, multi-head-fit driver, lanyard hole, bike spoke key, screwdriver tip, wrench, *and* bit driver all at once. In short...it is a whole lot.

    A small steel key-shaped tool with various grooves and measurements

    17. A foot file just as effective — if not more so! — than going to a salon. This will remove calluses and hard or cracked skin from your feet with some gentle, pain-free rubbing. It works whether your feet are dry or wet at the time, and will leave your heels so soft you might start petting them.

    Before image of a cracked foot with an after image of the skin smooth

    18. A memory foam seat cushion for your tushy so effective at relieving pressure from your tailbone you might just buy one for every chair in your house (and car!).

    A reviewer's swivel office chair with a memory foam cushion resting on it

    19. A set of exfoliating gloves for the bath or shower you can use to ~deep clean~ all over your body, letting you get extra specific about the exfoliation pressure because you're using your own hands to do it. These also come in three different textures — light, moderate, and heavy — so you can get one to best match your skin sensitivity. 

    Promising review: "This is one of my favorite purchases. Not gonna lie, TikTok made me buy this. So I buy it and I’m still a little nervous because it’s literally a glove. But nah, I used it with liquid body soap and I’ve never felt so clean in my whole life. I got out of the shower feeling like a freshly birthed baby. My skin had never felt so clean and I questioned how I went 32 years without this." —Brittney

    Get a pair from Amazon for $8.09+ (available in three textures and as sets of two or three). 

    20. An adorably encouraging daily planner you'll like for its easy day-to-day organization, but *love* because it's a tear-away, so you can take your schedule/to-do list on the go without lugging a whole planner in your bag.

    A blank page of the planner

    21. Plus a set of eye-popping fine-point pens designed for planners and journals that will not only delight you with their easy gliding, but also the way they never bleed through pages.

    Fine point pens in 18 different colors

    22. A purse organizer insert you can easily slide into any bag from a tote to a designer purse for instant pockets to organize your life, an especially handy tool when we're all stashing masks and hand sani along with all our other on-the-go items. Another perk? If you're switching out your purse, all you have to do is slide the organizer out and pop it in with all your stuff raring to go.

    23. Maybelline's Instant Age Rewind concealer, a popular lightweight concealer so versatile you can use it for anything from a quick pre-Zoom touch-up to full coverage. This also helps cover dark circles without caking and reduce puffiness.

    24. A reusable Swiffer duster head to avoid allergy-inducing dust buildup in your home *and* save money on replacements. Bonus: This is made with a nonfraying fleece fabric built to pick up dust more effectively and at a broader range than the OG version, thanks to the static it naturally generates.

    Cut up fleece fabric swiffer heads in different color combinations

    25. A suuuper popular Bio-Oil made with vitamins A and E, chamomile, and lavender — you may recognize it as a product a lot of people use to help fade scars (both old and new), soothe cracked and dry skin, and help moisturize without affecting your pores, but people are also using it to help with dry and painful skin on their hands from hand-washing and sanitizing.

    A model rubbing bio-oil on their hands

    26. A set of Monkey Noodles, a quiet sensory toy that stretches, pulls, twirls, wraps, and squeezes, so you can either use it to channel your energy and creativity *or* to soothe your anxiety during video calls without anyone being the wiser.

    Reviewer image of five long noodle-shaped toys in different colors

    27. Glossier's Boy Brow, a combo eyebrow gel and pomade perfect for anyone who hasn't been able to get their brows done in a hot second. You can swipe a few times through each brow for instant subtle, natural definition — the brush picks up just enough of the product in the tube each time that it's basically impossible to mess up.

    28. A power scrubber brush you can attach to a DRILL (!!) that basically does all of the hard grime busting not just easily, but effectively. A lot of reviewers commented that this tool took care of stains, hard-water marks, and mold and mildew buildup that they hadn't been able to fully tackle in years.

    one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

    29. A sparkling-wine saver that will keep your bubblies bubbling so you can pop a bottle any day of the week without worrying about wasting the leftovers. Seriously — try your prosecco five days after the fact and it'll basically taste untouched??

    A model securing the stopper on a bottle

    30. A bunch of Miracle-Gro "food spikes" that will make your houseplants the lushest greens on the whole block. Not only can they bring plants knocking at death's door back to life, but they'll continuously feed them for 30 to 60 days.

    A model pressing a food spike into a plant's soil

    31. A glitter bottle that isn't *just* an aesthetic — it's actually designed to soothe and calm. The glitter on the inside shifts in the bottle on an approximately three-minute timer, giving you something to focus on if you're feeling anxious, distracted, or overwhelmed.

    A water bottle full of black glass beads and glitter stars that fall to the bottom

    32. A little clay brown sugar bear that yes, is absurdly precious, but also quite useful — you can put in brown sugar to help it retain its moisture for a full three to six months, so you can live your Great British Bake-Off dreams on your own sweet time.

    A small bear shaped piece of clay

    33. A six-outlet wall charger designed to work with MULTIPLE large chargers. It also comes equipped with two USB fast-charging ports *and* a night-light, so your under-the-desk setup or kitchen can be as organized as possible.

    34. A set of three adorable, machine-washable Swedish dish cloths – they're super absorbent and designed with a crosshatch pattern for easier scrubbing. Each one of these can replace over a DOZEN paper towel rolls. The Brawny paper towel man is shaking.

    A person washing a bowl with a Swedish dishcloth

    35. A mini leather wallet you can stick to the back of your phone case that actually stays the heck put, and keeps your credit cards so snug that you'll never lose them again.

    A model holding a phone with a small wallet pocket adhesive on it

    36. A jewelry-cleaning stick with cleansing solution on a brush designed to get in the nooks and crannies of your jewelry so effectively you'll want to post your before and after pics all over the internet.

    37. A pair of super-comfy period-proof underwear designed to hold two tampons' worth of period blood. Not only are these a great alternative to pads and tampons, they're also ideal for overnight protection (you can pair them with a pad if you have a heavy flow) and for people who are worried about ~leakage~ during sports or physical activities — I personally always wear period-proof undies when I go on runs on my period and it has been a MASSIVE godsend.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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