21 Questions I Have For "Game Of Thrones" Season 8, Episode 5 That Will Probably Never Get Answered

    Why did the "we surrender" bells set off Daenerys?!

    1. Who is Varys writing these letters to?

    2. Is Dany's hair messy because Missandei is no longer around to braid it?

    3. BTW, why are there no windows in this room — I would imagine it gets VERY cold on Dragonstone with the sea being right there?

    4. Why did Varys remove his rings?

    5. It's no secret Dany's army is camping outside King's Landing — why doesn't Cersei and her army attack them immediately?

    6. Are the Unsullied soldiers that let Tyrion talk to Jaime going to be executed — or, at least, get into BIG trouble?

    7. These janky-looking, makeshift platforms on Euron's ships seem dangerous — was there no time to build a railing?!

    8. Same goes for these ones on the battlements.

    9. Why do the Golden Company have such high-waisted pants — also, is it weird that their pants go OVER their chest armor?

    10. Why did it take Jaime SO LONG to get into King's Landing, BTW...didn't Tyrion let him go hours ago, when it was still dark out?!

    11. How the heck is Harry Strickland (and the Golden Company for that matter) considered one of the best and strongest armies?

    12. How did Qyburn know all the scorpions, Iron Fleet, and gates had been destroyed?

    13. Why were these soldiers' visors open...before they surrendered?

    14. Why did the "we surrender" bells set off Daenerys?!

    15. Is this the exact moment Jon Snow was finally like, "Oh, this was a mistake?"

    16. How much fire can Drogon actually produce and for how long?

    17. How the heck did Euron miraculously survive the explosion of his boat and then perfectly arrive on shore at the exact same time Jaime was passing throught?

    18. Why did the Mountain disobey Cersei? I mean, I know he wants to kill his brother, but it's not like this is the first time they've come face to face?!

    19. People are going to have SERIOUS lung infections from all the rubble, right?

    20. Whose horse was this?

    21. And finally, is Arya off to kill Daenerys now?

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