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2012 Elections

2012 Elections

The Least Flattering Photo Of President Obama

Ever. Didn't think it was possible to snap a bad picture of our dapper president, but I've been proven very wrong. Next time, try to get his good side...not his creepy Amber Alert side. Add Pervy Obama to any image with our handy photo editor at the bottom of the page!

Herman Cain Has The Best Campaign Buttons

I can't stand him, but I want one of these immediately. Other ideas? "Here comes the story of the Herman Cain/The man the authorities came to blame/for the best pizza in the land/Gonna lose the race but one time he coulda been the president of the states..." Okay maybe that wouldn't fit on a button. Maybe on a tote.

President Obama On "The Tonight Show"

The President sat down with Jay Leno for a wide-ranging interview that ran the gamut from Osama bin Laden to Occupy Wall Street to Halloween to waffles. Leno isn't exactly Edward R. Murrow, but it's an informative chat nonetheless.

Herman Cain, Baby!

We noticed an eerie similarity between Herman Cain's new ad and one of our favorite viral pick up artists. Here's a side by side comparison. Pundit Pro-Tip: Herman Cain has the leering Filipino vote all sewn up.

Rick Perry On Why He Won't Let The Obama Birth Certificate Issue Die

In a non-sensical interview with CNBC, Rick Perry answered questions about why he won't give a definitive answer anon whether or not he accepts that the President was born in the United States. His reasoning? Well listen for yourself.

Herman Cain Has No Idea What He's Talking About

Hermain Cain supports a constitutional amendment which would ban abortion, even though he has no clue how a constitutional amendment gets passed. "I feel that strongly about it," Cain said on the Christian Broadcasting Network. "If we can get the necessary support and it comes to my desk, I'll sign it."

Michele Bachmann's Entire New Hampshire Staff Quits

Unconvinced that Michele Bachmann is serious about winning New Hampshire in the Republican Primary, the five remaining paid staff members at her N.H. campaign office quit en masse yesterday. According to one of the former staffers, they "have not been paid for a month."

GOP Debate: The Sitcom

October 18th’s GOP debate was so hilarious, it needed its own laugh track.

Mitt Romney Approved The Creation Of These Pins

When Mitt Romney was the Chief Executive of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, he approved the creation of pins with his likeness on them that read, "Hey Mitt, We Love You!" Why? No I was actually asking. I don't have an answer because it's maybe the weirdest thing you can do when you're running the Olympics.

Rick Perry And Mitt Romney Yelling At Debate

The head-to-head fight you've been waiting for finally happened tonight at the CNN GOP debate in Las Vegas. Skip ahead to 1:00 to see the gloves come off.

Mitt Romney Understands How #OccupyWallStreet Feels

Mitt Romney totally worries about the 99%. He understands them. I mean just look at this quote from Romney about #OccupyWallStreet over a totally random picture from his past. Again totally random. Not chosen to illustrate any point. Definitely not.

A Sign We Should Put On Every Door

This sign is in the same strip mall as a Mitt Romney campaign office. But shouldn't we all just put them on our doors to be safe? It could be like a wreath of garlic, only instead of keeping out vampires it will just keep out Mitt Romney.

Herman Cain Sings "Imagine There's No Pizza"

I think this is what John Lennon had in mind when he wrote "Imagine." Sample Cain lyrics: "Imagine there’s no pizza I couldn’t if I tried/Eating only tacos/Or Kentucky Fried/Imagine only burgers/It’s frightening and sad" This man might be President. Think about that.

SNL's Marriott TV GOP Debate

Marriott TV broadcasts "Yet Another GOP Debate," featuring reluctant new frontrunner Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann locked in a janitor's closet, and Rick Santorum live from a gay bar in the Castro.

Herman Cain Stole His "9-9-9" Plan From SimCity

According to the Republican presidential candidate's revolutionary plan, corporate income taxes, personal income taxes, and national sales tax rates would each be 9%. Seems smart and original, right? Wrong. Reporters have unearthed an astonishing similarity between Cain's 9-9-9 Plan and SimCity 4's default tax scheme.

6 Possible Reasons Chris Christie Endorsed Mitt Romney

I think one of these probably explains it. Why else would you endorse Mitt? Unless Christie thought he was endorsing baseball gloves. In which case maybe we have to expand this to 7 possible reasons.

Howard Stern Vs. Rick Perry

The King of All Media returned to the airwaves yesterday after another vacation week to discuss recent happenings in the political arena. It doesn't sound like the governor of Texas is getting his vote.

10 Mind-Blowingly Offensive Quotes From Ron Paul Newsletters

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul used to publish a libertarian newsletter in the '80s and '90s. They were not, shall we say, sane. From those newsletters, here are some racist/homophobic/anti-semitic musings on everything from AIDS to Hate Whitey Day (aka Martin Luther King Jr. Day). Paul says he didn't write any of the following quotes, but they all appeared under his name. Yiiiiiikes.

14 Better Titles For Herman Cain's Book

Cain's new book has a pretty good title in, "This Is Herman Cain! My Journey To The White House" Did I say good? I meant terrible. Here are some good titles.

How Chris Christie Could Still Win The Nomination

Sure, he announced today that he's definitely not running for president, but that still hasn't stopped desperate Republicans from pining for the candidacy of Chris Christie. Should he ultimately change his mind, here's a foolproof campaign strategy that turns one of his weightiest liabilities into a political asset.

Bad Lip Reading With Michele Bachmann

Now featuring Marcus Bachmann's better half. I don't know about you, but I understood much more of this than most of her policies.

Herman Cain On Sarah Palin

Herman Cain says that he's the "black walnut" to Sarah Palin's "ice milk."

Presidential Physiques Of The Modern Age

This chart was originally run on The New York Times' website leading up to the 2008 election. It might be worth another look now that the GOP is trying to push Chris Christie into the race. History has been pretty good to the heavier candidate...

Heckler Calls President Obama The Antichrist

Last night at a fundraiser in Los Angeles, Obama was just makin' some jokes when some guy in the crowd started yelling about the "one true Christian God" and then called Obama the antichrist. Thankfully, the President and the crowd's reaction is priceless.

Herman Cain Wins Florida GOP Straw Poll

Herman Cain won an early test vote in Florida that lacked most of the leading candidates’ participation.

Elizabeth Warren Is Awesome

Here's Elizabeth Warren demonstrating why she's already beating Scott Brown in her bid to take back Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in Massachusetts. She succinctly sums up how we got into this financial mess in the first place and lays waste to the Republican claims of "class warfare." It's not going to be long before you hear the words "Elizabeth Warren" and "2016" in the same sentence.

Was Rick Perry's New Ad Directed By Michael Bay?

It definitely looks like it was. Why would Rick Perry think this is a good idea? I guess a lot of people saw Transformers, but how many of them actually liked it? This is what American politics looks like. Shameful.

Michele Bachmann's Amazon Reviews

Apparently, presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is a dedicated user, who writes unbiased reviews on products she's purchased. Well, mostly unbiased.

Ron Paul Wins California Straw Poll

The 76-year-old Texas Congressman won 44.9% of the votes in last night's California straw poll, beating out Rick Perry by a substantial 15.6%.

13 Better Titles For Michele Bachmann's Book

The cover for Michele Bachmann's new book titled "Core of Conviction has been released. So, here are some better titles we came up with.

What Is Rick Perry Thinking?

This photo from last night's GOP debate got us thinking about what Rick Perry thinks about. Here's what we've come up with thus far...

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