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15 Food And Cooking Cheat Sheets That Are Especially Useful Right Now

Ingredient substitutions, Instant Pot and slow cooker conversions, and essential storage hacks.

1. For quick flavor boosters that use staples you likely already have:

2. For when you're out of eggs:

3. For shifting some protein intake from perishables (like meat) to non-perishables (like dried beans or canned goods):

4. For when you can't find AP flour on the shelves:

5. Or if you need a gluten-free flour substitute instead:

6. For common cooking and baking swaps:

7. For yeast conversions:

8. For optimal food storage:

9. And for organizing everything — with proper fridge + freezer zones in mind:

10. For converting stovetop recipes to a more hands-off slow cooker version:

11. Or for converting slow cooker favorites to a (much faster) Instant Pot version:

12. Here's a ratio guide for cooking grains in the IP, too.

13. For making the most of your spice cabinet — and turning to dry herbs instead of fresh ones:

14. For a primer on the easiest way turn leftover vegetables into a full dinner:

15. And for useful info about how carbs, protein, and fats actually affect your body: