• CA Election 2015 badge

We Asked Americans To React To Canadian Election Things

They were both delighted and confused.

We sent some key photos and questions about the Canadian federal election to our colleagues in the U.S. and this is what they had to say.

1. This guy was booted from the campaign because of what he's doing in this photo. What do you think he's doing?

2. This guy got caught in the background of a photo op at a Toronto men's club. What's he thinking?

3. What do you think of the kid in the middle?

4. How does this make you feel?

Susie: Like a wax figure has come to life.

Nora: Fucking petrified, but also like I want to know his skincare regimen.

Michael: This is a picture of a refurbished animatronic robot purchased in an auction from Disney World after they re-did the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

Lara: Scared. Is this a robot?? Y/N

5. Which of these men has the best hair? Why?

6. Who is this man and why is he on trial right now?

7. This man's nickname is Angry Tory. Why is he so angry?

8. This candidate says he'll grow the economy "from the heart outwards." What do you think that means?

9. What was Stephen Harper talking about when he made this gesture?

10. Would you vote for this guy? (The human, not the alien.)

11. Any final thoughts about the beautiful world of Canadian politics?

Cap: If it's always this entertaining, I may move to Canada!

Sam: Everyone here looks a thousand times nicer and more approachable than any american politician. Even the ones who are obviously hate filled old people.

Nora: Where is Drake?

Sarah: I... I don't get it.

Melissa: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯