• CA Election 2015 badge

After A Conservative Candidate Peed In A Coffee Mug, #Peegate Took Over Twitter

Best. Election. Ever.

A Conservative candidate running in Scarborough was caught on camera peeing in a coffee mug. The footage of Jerry Bance urinating in a customer's mug originally aired on CBC's Marketplace in 2012 and resurfaced last night.

View this video on YouTube


Bance runs XPress Appliance Service, a repair company. He responded to a service call that was part of a Marketplace episode that investigated the work of home service companies.

"I deeply regret my actions on that day. I take great pride in my work and the footage from that day does not reflect who I am as a professional or a person," he told CBC News.

Here's Bance peeing in the mug, while watching to see if the homeowner comes back into the kitchen.

And here's a Vine of Marketplace co-host Tom Harrington saying, "He just peed in the cup."

There something so funny about a good Vine loop. #peegate @cbctom http://t.co/kMTUzMP3nL

The story broke Sunday night, and it didn't take long for the #peegate hashtag to emerge — and trend. Let's begin with some basic urination humour.

Oh #CPC, urine trouble now. #peegate

@sladurantaye Sounds like a real whiz kid. Not surprising it leaked. -@bjornvf3

I guess now we know what the number 1 issue is in this election.

Solid work, folks.

This one gets extra points for Canuckitude.

The way #peegate is trending in Canada you'd think he peed in the Stanley Cup

Way to tie in the Mike Duffy trial, Gary.

I bet Nigel Wright offered to pee in the cup for him. #JerryBance #peegate

The incident led to an excellent new entry in the #HarperDictionary.

#HarperDictionary Trickle down: peeing in a constituent's mug and pouring it down their kitchen sink #cdnpoli #peegate @hs88_hs88

And other new made-in-Canada sayings.

When someone asks you who pissed in your cornflakes, the new appropriate response is: "My local Conservative candidate". #elxn42 #cdnpoli

Sales of CPC mugs immediately ground to a halt.

If they try to get your vote with a fancy mug, JUST SAY NO. #peegate #urinetrouble #ew #canpoli

... but mug-based memes increased exponentially.

Poor @pmharper - tough day. #JerryBance #peegate

"I can't tell the difference. Can you tell the difference?" #peegate #elxn42 #cdnpoli

yegretweet: RT calgarykiaguy: #peegate reminds us all of that Old Chinese Proverb #cdnpol… http://t.co/7jRBHkwbPq

Angry Con made his obligatory appearance.

This Ontario NDP staffer suggested the Conservatives need to institute a handwashing policy for all candidates.

#peegate Damage Control: CPC HQ sends out new signs to every Tory campaign office across Canada. #elxn42 #cdnpoli

#Peegate is an unwelcome dose of negativity and ridicule for the Conservative campaign. But some suggested there's at least one CPC candidate who might be happy the media spotlight has found someone new.

You just know there was one Conservative who punched the air when #peegate broke, and that would be @calxandr.

Like, you know the ship is sinking when it takes *another dude getting caught pissing in someone's sink* to take the heat off you.

Bance is now done as a candidate.

Conservative spokesperson tells me Jerry Bance is out as #CPC candidate in Scarborough Rouge Park #elxn42 #peegate

At a campaign stop, Stephen Harper was forced to address #peegate, as well as another Conservative candidate who shot videos of himself making lewd prank calls.

"What this says is that we keep the highest standards for candidates and that these two individuals are no longer candidates," he said.

Some had hoped for a different response.

@Shea011 @billhillier I can't stop laughing. #peegate #cdnpoli #ELXN42

But one thing is for sure.