26 Things You Haven't Cared About In 11 Years

    Brb, leave one or text.

    1. Accidentally messaging someone from high school on your buddy list who didn't know you had their screen name...

    2. ...finding your signature font and color-text combination...

    3. ...buddy icons...

    4. ...and including all of your girls and their initials in your profile like: "JC<3 LY<3 MS<3 GH<3 DH<3"

    5. Carefully saving your Abercrombie & Fitch bags so you could reuse them later...

    6. ... graphic T-shirts from American Eagle or Urban Outfitters with ironic sayings...

    7. ...and wondering how much gel Ryan Cabrera put in his hair to keep it that way.

    8. Getting excited whenever you saw this on MTV:

    9. Being irrationally angry or gleeful about the whole "Nipplegate" fiasco.

    10. Ranting about the ~drama~ going on in your life on LiveJournal and/or stalking people from your high school who had LiveJournals.

    11. Endlessly quoting Napoleon Dynamite.

    12. Being really invested (along with your grandma) in Ken Jennings' winning streak on Jeopardy...

    13. ...all of these people...

    14. ...William Hung...

    15. ... and Ashlee Simpson's old nose.

    16. Forcing yourself to ignore the fact that Nick and Jessica were on the rocks.

    17. Being jealous of your friend or sibling who had a camera on their phone.

    18. Organizing all your CDs and mix CDs whenever you went on road trips.

    19. And freaking out when you ran low on CD-Rs.

    20. REALLY wanting a Von Dutch trucker hat but settling on one you got from American Eagle.

    21. Blindly having to takes selfies with your digital camera, and then uploading them to your computer.

    22. Trying to convince your friends to join MySpace.

    23. Rushing to Blockbuster on Friday nights to get the latest release.

    24. Lindsay Lohan's music career.

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    25. Watching Pimp My Ride and thinking it would be cool to have a chandelier in your car...

    26. ...or better yet, a hot tub.

    But on second thought, all of that was RIDICULOUS and completely IMPRACTICAL.

    In conclusion, 2004: What a time to be alive!