• Best of Canada 2015 badge

21 Reasons Why 2015 Was The Worst Year Canada Has Ever Seen

Get bent, 2015.

1. Winter refused to fuck right off.

This year saw the chilliest February in Canada in 115 years, with temperatures between 5 and 9 degrees colder than usual. Don't forget about those brutal storms, either. Spring took its sweet fucking time showing up, with some parts of Canada still experiencing snow in April.

2. And then Ontario and Quebec got a snowstorm in October.

3. For everyone else who does not live in Vancouver, the city has gone more than a year without snow.

4. Degrassi was cancelled.

5. Canada Post's community mailboxes failed super hard.

6. We endured the longest goddamned federal election in Canadian history.

7. Stephen Harper made this face:

8. Then Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister and he immediately ruined everything.

9. Target broke up with Canada.

10. McDonald's introduced all-day breakfast — BUT NOT IN CANADA.

11. We faced a "F@&k Her Right In The P#$!y" epidemic.

12. CBC spoiled the Game of Thrones season finale and people were pissed.


Uh, ew: Ontario woman finds snake in can of Ocean Spray cranberry sauce https://t.co/Xl2OcQHoFT


14. The inevitable monkey-human war began in the form of sexually violated parka.

15. Canada Day "sales" made us weep.

Oh wow. Look at those savings. To all my US friends. This is not a joke. Actual sale.

We just want to get drunk in support of our country, is that so wrong?

16. A Canadian company posted the most sexist job listing ever.

17. A drunk guy flooded the Rogers Centre by destroying a urinal.

Way to ruin baseball for everyone, guy.

18. Canadian Tourism slogans basically gave up.

Facebook: theproperpun

You couldn't do any better than that?

19. Our super adorable hitchhiking robot was MURDERED in Philadelphia.

@ThatKevinSmith here's what remains of @hitchBOT :

R.I.P. Hitchbot.

20. A woman sold her car for Justin Bieber tickets.

21. We all saw Justin Bieber's dick.

In conclusion: Go fuck yourself, 2015.