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27 Times Kate Middleton Proved She Was The Most Flawless Human Of 2013


1. When she made friends with this tiny Disney princess.

2. When she adorably worried about her height during a group photo.

3. When she was the essence of diplomacy and said she "loved" her first official royal portrait, making her the only person in the world to do so.

Seriously though. How weird does she look in that painting?

4. When her smile was so warm, she made everyone forgot that they were camping in the snow.

5. When she improved upon the gorgeous outfit she wore for St. Patrick's Day 2012 by adding a royal baby bump.

6. That time she sunk a basket and did the cutest royal victory dance.

It took her eight attempts to make a basket during a visit to a Glasgow homeless shelter in April. She joked, "I blame it on the pregnancy."

7. When she looked so stunning that even her husband's portrait was checking her out.

8. When she challenged Prince William to a wizard's duel.

9. And released her inner Hermione Granger.

10. That time she was literally so perfect that a random photograph was more beautiful than any elaborately staged magazine cover.

11. Each and every time she demurely reminded the world that she was carrying the heir to the British throne.

12. When she was so radiant that people were drawn toward her, like a moth to a brilliant flame.

13. When she gave this impressively regal side-eye to a photographer during a ceremony at Westminster Abbey.

14. That time she christened a cruise ship and had the cutest reaction ever.

15. When she stepped out of the hospital carrying her newborn son and magically caused the wind to waft through her hair.

16. When she demonstrated her phenomenal parenting skills by teaching her 1-day-old son how to wave to the photographers...

17. And laughed at the idea that anything about her — even a post-partum baby bump — would be less than perfect.

18. When the glow of her beautiful new family was almost too much for the camera to take.

19. That time she and Prince William attended their first black-tie event after the birth of their son and she looked like a sparkly fairy princess.

20. When she played volleyball in extremely high shoes only 88 days after giving birth.

21. And then caused the world to collectively lose its mind over her predictably perfect post-baby body.

22. When she stepped up her fashion game by matching her ensemble to her baby's...

23. And proudly took her place among the royals for the most adorable, regal photo ever.

24. When she adjusted her hair during a Remembrance Day ceremony and literally everything else in the world became irrelevant.

25. When she sang along with a puppet during a visit to a children's hospice.

26. That time she made even 3D glasses look good.

27. When she literally could not hold all of the tributes given to her by the adoring public.