35 Lies People Between The Ages Of 27 And 36 Told Themselves In Their Teen Years

    Fact: RealPlayer was the worst way to watch videos.

    1. That watching movies on your iPod Nano was cool:

    A finger pushing the button on an iPod Nano playing a Disney movie.

    2. That iPod Socks did a good job of protecting your iPod:

    A display of iPod Socks on a shelf at an Apple Store

    3. That strong body sprays did a good job of covering sweat odor:

    A product shot of Apollo scented AXE body spray

    4. That The Real World didn't jump the shark with the Las Vegas season.

    The Real World Las Vegas cast phioto

    5. That you had any idea what was going on once The Challenge started adding fans as contestants alongside Real World ones:

    MTV The Challenge logo

    6. That the cars on Pimp My Ride looked good after the makeovers:

    Pimp My Ride logo

    7. That shuttershades looked good:

    Hot pink shuttershades

    8. That texting or typing like this on AIM looked so cool:

    Broken up text with some letter capped and others not

    9. That Pepsi Blue was the best flavor:

    A bottle of Pepsi Blue

    10. That you knew what the lyrics to "The Ketchup Song (Aserejé)" were:

    11. That you never stalked crushes and people you hated on Myspace:

    A person looking onto a Myspace screen

    12. That Myspace stickers on your page looked unique:

    13. That Von Dutch trucker hats were oh so cool and looked good:

    A orange and army camo trucker hat

    14. That nonfat, sugar-free frozen yogurt was as good as regular ice cream:

    Stock photo of frozen yogurt in a paper container

    15. That these were so cool and would be a great alternative to getting a real-life dog:

    Product shot of a robot dog

    16. That green and purple ketchups were a cool idea:

    17. That RealPlayer was a good way to watch videos:

    A image of a RealPlayer with the logo in the screen

    18. That rating hot people "not hot" on Hot or Not was funny:

    19. That chunky highlights looked great:

    A photo of Kelly Clarkson on the red carpet of the VMAs with chunky highlights

    20. That Gelly Roll pens were the best:

    Product shot of six Gelly Roll pens

    21. That Mango Sours Altoids were the greatest Altoids ever:

    A tin of Mango Sours Altoids opened

    22. That everyone on Entourage wasn't a 100% hateable:

    23. That quoting Borat was funny and not at all annoying:

    24. That self-tanner gave you a naturally tan look:

    A container of Jergens Natural Glow self-tanner

    25. That you using astringent was a good way to clean your face:

    A bottle of Sea Breeze astringent

    26. That white belts looked good with everything:

    A white belt rolled up

    27. That using a CD label–maker program made your mix CDs look way better:

    A shot of label maker program with Party Mix 2005 being created it on it

    28. That you were ~edgy~ for wearing all the different-colored jelly wristbands:

    Eight arms in a group each with various colored jelly wristbands

    29. That body jewels looked sophisticated:

    Six packs of various body jewels in tropical patterns

    30. That body glitter was worth the mess it took to put on and to clean up afterward:

    Three bottles of different Art Stuff body glitter

    31. That you were deep or edgy for writing song lyrics or phrases on your Converse:

    32. That you were such a rebel for wearing state T-shirts with sexual innuendos:

    A green "Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky" T-shirt

    33. That platform flip-flops were dressy and could be worn almost anywhere:

    34. That wearing flip-flops with bootcut jeans or baggy pants dressed them up:

    35. And finally, that the room makeovers on TLC's Trading Spaces looked good:

    A photo of the cast of Trading Spaces