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White Pug Puppies

I have no clue how many rules of genetics were broken for these doglets to be created but, man, are they ever cute.

Butler Blue II Dog Cam

Photographer Michelle Pemberton straps Cameras to Butler's mascot Butler Blue II for a dogs eye view of the game.

Sleeping Dog Fail

Dog somehow sleeps standing up in a small river. Hilarity ensues.

Dogs Aren't Humans PSA

Do you hate it when people talk to your dog and act like you don't even exist, asking it questions only you can answer? Have you ever seen a dog with an outfit that costs more than yours, or a dog being pushed around in a baby stroller? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this PSA was made for you to enjoy.

Adorable Puppies, The Sweetest Ever!

I have been following these puppies for several weeks now. In this video they are 2 weeks old and just starting to walk. The sure can make a lot of noise.

Dogs To The Rescue

One more reason why dogs are awesome. This one is helping by pulling this car out of the ditch

Puppy Gets Pwned!

Puppy Gets Shown Exactly Who's The Boss. Cats Rule!

The Corgi-Husky Combo

Half corgi, half husky - 100% adorable.

Adorable Puppy Stampede

Now this is one stampede I wouldn't be too afraid of! Those little puppies are just way too cute.

Snow Dog And Cat

Yorkshire terrier and kitten

26 Photos Of Happy Shiba Inu's

I for one welcome our new cute overlords. Check out these photos of these adorable pooches.

The Bulldog With The Piglets

This is a story about a bulldog named Baby who has adopted six orphaned piglets in Germany. German bulldogs are impressively civic-minded, it turns out. And, also, mind-blowingly cute. But that goes without saying. (via @doreeshafrir)

Dog In A Dog


Flying Pug

Who says pugs can't be agile?

Cool dog mowing lawn

This is what a good obedience school can do for your dog.

Clever Dog

No problem! This little dog find the best solution

Puppy Love

Dexter, seven week old Husky and American Bulldog mix, giving Pandora, dachshund, kisses.

Snow Patrol Dog

Snow joy! He don't like so much

Kibble Dancing Corgi

Are we sure those "Kibbles" aren't just filled with cat-nip?

There Was A Farmer, Had A Dog...

~ Obligatory random awesome dog video ~ "Who's Bingo?" scoffs Pongo, "They must have gotten my name wrong-o."

Cutest English Bulldog Video

English Bulldog are great with kids. Gordo was very nice and patient with his "sister".

Rescued Dog Bites News Anchor In The Face

Denver 9News's Kyle Dyer was doing a story Wednesday morning on an 85-pound Argentine mastiff that was rescued from an icy pond. That's when she learned why you shouldn't put your face right up to a strange (and probably stressed) dog's mouth. UPDATE: Footage of news segment below.

Husky Temper Tantrum

Siberian Husky Luka is watching her stories when she is very rudely interrupted. Just another example of why Huskies are the best dogs ever.

13 Celebrities With Pugs

Even celebrities know pugs are awesome.

Kitty Showers Pug With Affection

This kitty is showering her Pug friend with lots of affection and making sure he knows who he belongs to.

Pug Looks Adorable In Snow

Winston knows he is a handsome Pug. The snow just adds to his cuteness!

Dachshund Vs Frog

Dachshund and Frog

Funny Vegas Dog Bets On The Super Bowl!

Las Vegas dog breaks into her piggy bank savings to bet on the NY Giants as the 2012 Super Bowl winner. Any animal can pick the winner, but how many will put their money where their mouth is. Only a dog from Vegas, that is! This video is too funny to miss =) Pass it on!

Swinging Dog

Kevin the yorkie on the swing

Pit Bull Protects Toddler Lost In Woods

A Texas family says their pet pit bull, Brownie, helped protect their missing 3-year-old after she wandered away and got lost in the woods.

Skyrim- In Their Tongue They Call Her Dogakiin, BeagleBorn

I hand-crocheted a skyrim dragonborn costume for my beagle, Honey and a dragon costume for my dachsund Pandora, Pictures of these have been posted already all thru Buzz feed and pinterest. These costumes are currently up for sale at auction on ebay-

Pug Doing Tricks

This is a pretty talented pug. All mine does is lay on the couch and snore, but that's still cute right?

Beagle Took Arrow To The Knee

This is my sister's beagle and weenie, dressed up as a dragonborn and dragon from Skyrim in outfits that she hand-crocheted.

Dog Wants To Befriend Penguin

What a great time Bryn the dog and Barney the penguin would have together. If only natural law would allow. :(

15 Pictures Of Pugs Playing

Pugs are the class clowns of the dog kingdom. They look their best when at play, and they know it.

Valentine's Dog Plays Dead

Overdressed and submissive, all to get a small treat at the end of the day. Isn't this how most people feel on V-day?

Cat vs. Chihuahua

A rivalry for the ages...from brilliant Cleveland viral filmmaker, Mike Polk.

Food On My Dog

So, um, yeah, these photos are from a Tumblr dedicated to pictures of a Staffordshire Terrier and American Bulldog mix named Tiger, who has food on his head. It goes without saying the poor boy's incredibly well-behaved.

Dog Is Straight Loungin'

Creature Comforts? This Pomeranian clearly enjoying a spa day. Get that dog a mimosa, stat!

Bulldog Puppies Learn To Walk

Monday needs some cheer to get us through the day. Tiny, adorable English Bulldogs learn to walk, squeak and manage their overly aggressive baby fat rolls.

15 Pictures Of Sleeping Pugs

Just some pugs doing what they do best. Sleeping and being cute.

As Seen On Fox News 26: Dash To Save Dogs On Deathrow

Volunteers quickly swing into action, working to pull as many as they can out of shelter by the person even bought an old animal control vehicle to get them out... Read more:

Puppy Walks On Two Legs

My puppy has been enjoying walking on just two legs lately. He's weird & talented.

Carpet-Drying Dog

By That, I Don't Mean This Little Guy Dries A Carpet. No- Ozzy Uses The Carpet To Dry Himself After A Bath! This Little Fella's Got A Style Of His Own!

Talking To Grandpa On The Phone

...The Dog That Is. Yuki Is A 4 Year Old German Shepherd Who Loves To Talk On The Phone To His Grandpa. If This Doesn't Make You Smile- Then Your Soul Is Dead.

Dog On A Fence...What?!

Cats On Fences- Yes. Squirrels, Birds- Even Kids On Fences. But, A Dog ON A Fence? This Is One Guard Dog Who Takes His Job Waaay Too Seriously!

10 Dogs And Peanut Butter Jars

It's National Peanut Butter Day! What better way to celebrate than to look at dogs with their heads stuck in peanut butter jars?

Puppy Feet

These paws will make you pause and say "Awwwww."

Enthusiastic Bulldog

French Bulldog is a bit enthusiastic first thing in the morning.

Cute Puppy Cakes

Puppy Cupcakes!

10 Funniest Pug Videos

Pugs are one of the cutest dog breeds out there. They are extremely friendly, playful and weird! These are 10 funny Pug videos. Enjoy!

Puppy Dreams

What's cuter than a dreaming puppy? A dreaming puppy waking up, that's what.

All He Needed Was A Hug

If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye... I don't know what will. Adopt :)


The Title Says It All!

The Bark Side

Volkswagen released this teaser for their upcoming Super Bowl 2012 commercial. Looks like it'll be amazing.

Story Of A Paralyzed Wiener Dog

This is Miles. A few months ago he suffered from a ruptured disc. Today, he tried out his new cart.

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