Here's A Bunch Of Cool Random Facts We Learned In October

    Crows are petty and hold grudges, just like you.

    At BuzzFeed, we travel to some weird parts of the internet for work, occasionally picking up fascinating tidbits as we go. Here are some cool things we learned in October that we can't stop talking about.

    1. Crows are petty animals that can remember your face — and hold a grudge against you if you wronged them.

    2. Dead bodies can get goosebumps.

    3. The ~golden age~ of cowboys in the US only lasted for just 20 short years.

    4. The Edinburgh Zoo has a daily penguin parade.

    5. A full day on Saturn is 10 Earth hours, but a year lasts more than 29 Earth years.

    6. If someone got what was coming to them, you'd say they got their "just deserts," NOT "just desserts".

    7. Poisonous frogs aren't naturally poisonous — their poison comes from their diet.

    8. Continents shift at the same rate that fingernails grow.

    9. Young armadillos are called armadiglets.

    10. And the Angostura Bitters label is too big for the bottle because men don't know how to communicate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

    Tell us what strange and cool things you learned this month!